MAY 2019 | 23
After revealing that it will be launching a string of new
developments at FIT to add value to customers’ businesses,
Customade Group has now announced it will also be running a series
of focused business seminars to help installers get ‘digitally fit’.
Customade Group’s
stand (L20) is where dig-
ital expert John Bonney
will be talking about the
advanced lead conversion
app at 11am each day
and at 3pm on Tuesday 21
and Wednesday 22 May.
Available on desktop and
mobile, the new app allows
installers to manage and
follow-up quotes with ease.
The fully personalisable
app even follows up quotes
automatically and prompts
users to move on to the
next stage; helping install-
ers win more business and
reduce the amount of time
spent on paperwork and
REAL Aluminium’s cate-
gory director John Adams
will be hosting seminars
at 1pm on Tuesday 21,
Wednesday 22 and Thurs-
day 23 May. He will show
delegates how to quote
and order REAL Aluminium
products 24/7 and share his
top tips on how to maxim-
ise the potential of alumin-
Customade Group’s CEO
David Leng will also be
presenting alongside John
Bonney with an in-depth
marketing seminar on
‘Skills Thursday’ in the Dis-
covery Theatre. On Thurs-
day 23 May at 1.45pm, they
will provide an overview
of traditional and digital
marketing techniques, give
advice on how to get the
most out of social media
and discuss how to max-
imise SEO and generate
leads. Seats are available
on a first come, first served
David Leng said: “Mar-
keting and technology
are changing fast and, for
those installers who just
want to concentrate on
fitting windows, keeping up
to speed can be a chal-
lenge. Our seminars will
cut through all the jargon
and show them it can be
straightforward. As their
partner for growth, we will
give them the latest tools
and the most effective
ways to succeed. If you
want to get ahead in the
digital world, this is a ‘not
be missed’ seminar.
“The knowledge and
expertise of Customade
Group is one of the rea-
sons why our new indus-
try-leading customer
package is so formidable.
The developments we will
show at FIT will deliver val-
ue to their businesses, help
them win new customers
and achieve long-term
growth. This is all about
giving them the right tools
for the job and it has only
been possible by the hard
work of the Customade
team. I am looking forward
to showcasing the results
their effort and commit-