MAY 2019 | 11
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Independent Network has collaborated with two of the UK’s favourite
magazines, for the benefit of member companies across the country.
A joined-up marketing
campaign has been built
across House Beautiful
and Sainsbury’s Magazines,
which have a combined
average monthly circulation
of 594,994, not to men-
tion an impressive online
following. The campaign has
been designed to utilise a
combination of online and
offline elements to best ef-
fect. Full page press ads and
an eye-catching insert are
supported by social media
posts, an incredible digital
advent calendar that ran
alongside the Sainsbury’s
adverts, and interactive on-
line adverts that link directly
to the IN site.
VEKA Group’s Marketing
Director Dawn Stockell ex-
plains more: “For marketing
to work most effectively, it
must make best use of all
appropriate channels and
I think the current Inde-
pendent Network campaign
utilises a great mix of online
and offline media.
“Carefully considered
scheduling saw IN appear in
three issues of Sainsbury’s
magazine, including the
bumper November issue,
when average monthly cir-
culation leaps from 139,442
to around 250,000. This was
supported by an innovative
digital advent calendar that
encouraged high levels of
web traffic and increased
interaction with the brand.
“We targeted magazines
whose readership demo-
graphic aligns with IN’s own
customer base, to further
build valuable brand aware-
ness for the Network across
the country.
“The adverts in Sains-
bury’s and House Beautiful
highlighted Independent
Network’s unbroken chain
of quality and the commit-
ment to craftsmanship that
all members share. They
also featured the ten-year
insurance-backed guarantee
message alongside striking
and aspirational Bi-Fold
Door imagery.
“Bi-Folds were chosen for
a number of reasons, not
least because VEKA Group’s
Imagine Bi-Fold Door has
a host of winning features
for fitters and homeowners
alike and looks incredibly
stylish on the page. Last
year, in the UK, the term
‘BiFold Doors’ was searched
online an average 40,358
times per month, so we also
know these products remain
extremely popular.
“The insert in House
Beautiful will go out at the
beginning of May (coin-
ciding with the key home
improvement period that
comes with the two May
bank holidays) and includes
stunning, new, aspirational
window and door photogra-
phy that we are particularly
excited to share. These
images will also be made
available to members via the
marketing portal.
“Independent Network’s
brand awareness was virtu-
ally doubled between 2017
and 2018 and we’re deter-
mined to carry on spreading
the message even further.
We want Independent Net-
work and its membership to
be the brand of choice when
homeowners decide to im-
prove their properties.
“According to John Lewis
Finance last year, more
than 60% of the nation has
some sort of project in the
planning – but haven’t yet
carried it out. We want to
make sure that the Inde-
pendent Network brand is
at the forefront of people’s
minds, as soon as they de-
cide to take the plunge with
high quality home improve-
“The ongoing campaign
also coincides with the
launch of Independent
Network’s pioneering new
website which has been
completely redesigned with
a wealth of new features.
The site now includes an
even clearer ‘Find Installer’
form, an informative Knowl-
edge Area, a helpful ‘Visual-
iser’ price guide tool, a host
of product information and
much, much more.”
Ross Heaver from Heavers
of Bridport thinks the mar-
keting support available to
members is a key reason to
join Independent Network:
“One of the things we’ve al-
ways liked about Independ-
ent Network is the national
awareness that the brand
is getting. So regardless of
whether you’re big or small,
you’re still getting that vital
national coverage.”
Amy Ramshaw of Tyne
and Wear-based NE&C
Windows and Doors ltd
was impressed with IN’s
latest campaign; “We saw
the ads during a visit to the
Independent Network of-
fice before they went out to
the public. It’s an excellent
way to reach customers, es-
pecially at Christmas when
many of us like to throw
the Sainsbury’s magazine
into our trolley during our
Christmas food shop. As a
member of IN, we appre-
ciate the advertising the
organisation does on behalf
of members – securing
space in major consum-
er titles that might not
otherwise be attainable for
independent, local compa-
nies like us.”
The 26th March was a day to remember for Peter and Susan Roden, owners of
Mitchell Glass who were invited to the Glass and Glazing Federation London
offices for a special GGF award for ‘Outstanding Service to the Industry’,
Mitchell Glass has its own
unique and illustrious history go-
ing back almost 145 years. Starting
in 1862, when Robert Mitchell ran
away from home in Kinross, Perth-
shire. He made it to Edinburgh,
where he served his time as a gla-
zier before moving to the Scottish
Borders and set up his business R.
Mitchell Glass in Hawick in 1875.
Robert passed the business to his
son Alex, who unfortunately died
in 1948 with no family. The Board
decided to continue with the name
Mitchell Glass that is still used to
this day.
Current owner, Peter Roden
started as an apprentice carding
engineer and from successful com-
pletion and study, he worked in
insurance and bookkeeping before
starting in the glazing business as
a sales manager for Mitchell Glass.
The family business theme re-
mained with Peter persuading his
wife, Susan, to join the team again.
She had initially started her Mitch-
ells’ career as a ‘Saturday girl’ at
the Market Street shop while still
at school, when she typed invoices
on ‘the big black typewriter’.
Both Susan and Peter have been
active members of the GGF for
over 25 years, with Peter being
the first ever Chairman of GGF
Scotland, which also included
representing Scottish Members on
the GGF General Council.