Pro Installer May 2018 - Issue 62 | Page 38

38 | MAY 2018 Products Read online at CUSTOMER-FOCUSED: THE SYSTEM THAT WORKS The saying ‘it does exactly what it says on the tin’ could hardly be more appropriate than for the Somerset company Warmer Roof. Around since 2012, the roofing system – formerly known as Sentinel – has been so-called since 2017. And, with the lowest U value of any system at 0.14Wm 2 , Warmer Roof could not be better named as thousands of ‘tried and tested’ roof replacements further testify. MD Karl Muspratt, dis- cusses the revolutionary roof replacement, the challenges the company has faced, plus how staying cus- tomer-focused throughout has led the business to live up to its ‘warmest roof at the hottest prices’ philoso- phy… “I pride myself on a ‘hands on approach’ to my business and am available to speak to my customers as and when required. Even though I have been involved in the glazing in- dustry for the past 25 years with various sales to direc- torships roles, the passion I feel for Warmer Roof stems for a genuine opportunity to change the way people can live. “As many conservatories have been fitted in previ- ous years, there became an obvious need for roofing systems to be updated as these conservatories be- came older. This particular product was borne out of the fact that aluminium can become a cold bridge in certain circumstances which can lead to condensation, unlike timber. There is also no need to worry about inevitable aluminium price increases. “The Gluelam ring beam we use is more environmen- tally friendly than alumini- um with the added weight saving benefit that Glulam has approximately 1.5 to 2 times the strength to weight ratio of steel, while the pod system was developed to aid the speed of installa- tion. With the pod system the required insulation is already fitted within, and the pod is just lowered into position between the rafters and eaves beam, and then secured with fixings sup- plied in the roof kit. Like- wise, with no internal cross battening required, the time it would usually take to cut insulation is removed from the equation, with all insu- lated plaster board supplied with the original price. “Originally there was great debate when chang- ing roofing systems from glass or polycarbonate to a lightweight warm roof as to whether Building Regulations were required but now all responsible companies will go through Building Regulations and in our case, there is the option to use jhai System Approval (Certificate Number jhai 14026). “We are probably on our Mark 6 version at the moment. For us, customers are not ‘just a number’. We listened to their feedback and any suggestions made were evaluated and then added to the system, if we thought they would be of benefit. Most of the chang- es made were to ease the fitting process to save time (and therefore overall cost). Warmer Roof also prides itself on supplying all the components needed for a job for one price. We are sure that this approach has helped the business to grow year-on-year as the