Pro Installer May 2018 - Issue 62 | Page 32

32 | MAY 2018 Puzzles Read online at CROSSWORD SUDOKU DOWN 1. Express through speech 5. Healing gel, aloe ... 7. Minister (to) 8. Ancient Nile kings 9. Hiring cost 12. Shooting stars 15. Lures (5,2) 19. Elevate (4,2) 21. Umpired 22. Bill rejection 23. Spoke to 24. Subtracted 1. Electors 2. Accounts check 3. Propel 4. Pass (of years) 5. Feasible 6. Estimate (damages) 10. Space agency 11. Invites 12. Fellow 13. Salad fish 14. Hog noise 15. Gained knowledge 16. Guard 17. Insult 18. Maintain (law) 19. World-weary 20. Municipal ACROSS WHEEL WORDS Create as many words of 4 letters or more using the given letters once only but always including the middle letter. Do not use proper names or plurals. See if you can find the 9-letter word using up all letters. 16 Very Good 12 Good 21+ Excellent MOVIE WATCH Harvey Keitel has appeared in all the movies below. See if you can unscramble them. SOLUTIONS 1. Reservoir Dogs, 2. The Piano, 3. Pulp Fiction, 4. Holy Smoke. Movie Watch 9-letter word: ENCHANTED Ache, Chat, Each, Etch, Hand, Hate, Head, Heat, Heed, Than, Thee, Then, Ached, Chant, Cheat, Death, Hated, Hence, Henna, Teach, Thane, Enchanted, Detach, Etched, Ethane, Heated, Thence, Chanted, Cheated, Enchant, Enhance, Hennaed, Enhanced. Wheel Words Solution: Ache, Chat, Each, Etch, Hand, Hate, Head, Heat, Heed, Than, Thee, Then, Ached, Chant, Cheat, Death, Hated, Hence, Henna, Teach, Thane, Enchanted, Detach, Etched, Ethane, Heated, Thence, Chanted, Cheated, Enchant, Enhance, Hennaed, Enhanced. 9-letter word: ENCHANTED. Wheel Words PX 0043 © Lovatts Puzzles MOVIE WATCH SOLUTION 1. Reservoir Dogs, 2. The Piano, 3. Pulp Fiction, 4. Holy Smoke. MOVIE WATCH 027 © Lovat