Pro Installer May 2018 - Issue 62 | Page 16

THE BIGGEST G OF THE YEAR WHO SHOULD ATTEND? The future of the window, door and conservatory industry The 2018 Glazing Summit is the must-attend conference for those involved in the glass and glazing industry, including domestic, trade, commercial and new-build sectors. On Tuesday 22 nd May 2018, hundreds of fabricators, installers, glass companies and material suppliers will converge near Birmingham to debate the future of the window, door and conservatory industry. A line-up of top industry and business speakers will discuss the most important issues, share the latest insights and trends, and ask the big questions that will affect every fabricator and installer. • Business Owners and Directors • Senior Managers and Executives • Consultants and Advisors The conference is 9:30 to 4pm, including lunch and networking with industry leaders. Tuesday 22nd May BOOK TICKETS NOW St Johns Hotel & Conference Centre Warwick Road, Solihull, B91 1AT or call 01934 808293 •9.30am to 4pm •Expert conference speakers •Lunch included •Networking opportunities The Glazing Summit Organised by insightdata business is better with insight