MAY 2017 | 37
All Doors
Wow, what a start to 2017! We’ve got a brand new
‘home’ with plenty of space to really maximise our
production capacity and focus hard on delivering
what our customers want – quality composite
doors and PVCu panel doors on time, every time.
The new production
facility has given us a new
lease of life, a ‘renaissance’
if you like, as we take the
business to new levels of
Ever since 1993, when
Phoenix started as a PVCu
door manufacturer before
adding composite doors
nearly ten years ago, the
focus has always been on
serving the High Street com-
panies and installers who
wanted a quality entrance
door product to sell to ‘Mr
and Mrs Jones’.
Fast forward a quarter
of a century and Phoenix
Doors has become a major
player in the retail door re-
placement market. Not only
have we added an extensive
range of composite doors
to our portfolio, moving
to new premises has also
enabled us to really ‘up our
game’ and deliver just what
our installer and fabricator
customers need.
Having all our production
operations under one roof
is making a tremendous
difference to how efficiently
we can make our compos-
ite doors and PVCu panel
doors. It’s also great news
for our customers who are
really seeing a difference in
our service to them.
Investment in more space,
personnel, plant and ma-
chinery has been matched
with a renewed focus on
improving customer service.
As the complete door solu-
tion company for the retail
replacement market, we
understand installers’ needs
and are responding with
many new initiatives offer-
ing greater product choice,
confidence in delivery and
convenience in ordering
Taking products first, our
County Collection com-
posite door and Meridian
70mm double-rebated
composite door ranges now
feature new door styles
and contemporary glazing
designs. A new GU Autolock
multi-point entry lock is
available across both these
ranges and will be displayed
at the FIT Show on our
Stand C58.
This new ‘slam-shut’ lock
is offered alongside our
conventional lever handle
multi-point locking system,
providing a neater appear-
ance and particularly suiting
the contemporary door de-
signs. With just an escutch-
eon and finger pull to close
the door and the key to
open it, it’s a cleaner-look-
ing and easier way to access
any property. We feel that
is what’s needed and that’s
what people want in line
with current trends.
Coloured doors continue
to be in great demand –
three out of 10 doors we
manufacture are painted.
The uplift in colour has
been dramatic - it’s amazing
how many people request
bespoke colours, which we
can do for a small extra
charge. Additional space has
enabled us to install two
dedicated spraying facilities
and a paint line capable of
turning out up to 50 colour-
ed composite doors a day.
Our top-end Meridian
70mm thick double-rebated
composite door is really
taking off and providing
installers with fresh sell-
ing opportunities. With an
A++ energy rating, u-value
between 0.9 and 1.1 and
50mm triple-glazing, it’s
proving popular, especially
with installers who have
showrooms to display this
product to best effect. We
are very generous in supply-
ing Meridian for showrooms
because when you see the
door, it sells itself! A new
brochure to accompany the
Meridian range featuring all
the latest styles, new glass
designs and the GU lock is
being published and avail-
able at the FIT Show or on
Given our speed of pro-
duction now, with all the
associated efficiencies from
investment in new ma-
chinery, doors are flowing
through and all the backlog
has cleared. We can give the
service that our customers
require so they can order
with confidence and be
assured that their composite
doors will be delivered on
time. Indeed, we are gearing
up to produce 200 doors a
day for the autumn as this is
where we think the market
is heading.
Our recently-introduced
online ordering system is
proving a hit with more
of our customers using it
every week. While it is not
mandatory and we still
accept orders on paper, the
online system offers a quick
and convenient method
that also eliminates errors.
It won’t allow you to input
the wrong size or the wrong
backing glass, for example.
It also speeds up the order
processing system to get
your door onto the factory
floor faster. So the sooner
we can get the ‘heads-up’ to
production – ‘this is what
you’ve got to make’ -the
sooner we confirm a deliv-
ery date with the customer.
Given the investment and
efficiencies in place, we can
provide top-quality custom-
er service all year round.
With all the product devel-
opment and service levels
that we’re offering now, the
future is very exciting and
very promising. If you’re in
the composite door market,
you need to be with Phoe-
nix Doors!
For more information,
please call Phoenix Doors
on 01487 740469, email
info@phoenixdoorpanels. or visit the
website at www.