Pro Installer March 2025 - Issue 144 | Page 3

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MARCH 2025 | 3



Ian Short , Managing Director of Morley Glass , explains why quality is more of a priority for integral blinds than many other window and door products .
As homeowners become more savvy about the products they ’ re choosing for their home improvement projects , they are increasingly looking for the best return on their investment . Quality is no longer being left to chance , especially in bigger ticket purchases such as window and door replacements .
Whilst price will always be a big priority for buyers , when it comes to integral blinds , many Morley Glass customers tell us that smarter homeowners equally want assurances about how well their products will stand the test of time . Will the integral blinds work as they should in five years ’ time ? How can we assure them of this , and what guarantee do they have ? And will the blinds keep their visual appeal in the long term ?
These questions , and more , are completely understandable when you consider that blinds of all types are mechanical devices
– and there is the potential for things to go wrong at times . And that is why many consumers will invest extra in preventing headaches and unforeseen repair costs by opting for better quality products , particularly when they are backed by credible warranties .
Hence why the benefits provided by Uni-Blinds ® integral blind systems with ScreenLine ® inside are attractive to homeowners looking for the ‘ biggest bang for their buck ’. They may not be the cheapest integral blinds in the market , but Uni-Blinds ® are designed and manufactured to offer the highest quality , and that delivers the lowest cost to homeowners throughout the lifetime of the windows and doors .
Functional reliability and hassle-free warranties
If you are paying a premium to upgrade your windows and doors to include integral blinds , you will expect them to function
reliably . This is not something we can take for granted , and it is one of the main reasons why Morley Glass uses only ScreenLine ® systems – the world ’ s leading integral blinds brand – in all our units .
One of the great things about partnering with ScreenLine ® manufacturer Pellini S . p . A . for more than 20 years is that we understand what their technical team does to ensure every integral blind is made to a consistently high standard . The extent of their quality checks throughout assembly are above and beyond any other integral blind manufacturer , and their attention to detail mindset is exactly what the Morley Glass production team has adopted too .
ScreenLine ® blinds give us the perfect foundation to produce bespoke integral blind units for UK window and door installers , which we offer under the Uni-Blinds ® brand . As a result , Morley Glass is able to provide a robust five-year warranty backed
by Pellini , a £ 60m + business with a history stretching back to the 1970s .
Dependable performance
One of the reasons why homeowners choose to upgrade their windows and doors is to make their homes warmer in winter and reduce energy bills . So , many will be looking for assurances that integral blind units will help them meet that goal .
Uni-Blinds ® have advantages here due to the way we manufacture the IGUs which contain ScreenLine ® blinds . We always use advanced low-E glass to offer excellent levels of thermal insulation , and this can be upgraded to provide greater solar control too . The performance is maximised through the warm edge spacer bars we use that are designed specifically for integral blinds , along with Argon filling . In addition , all our IGUs are also dual sealed to optimise
thermal performance and gas retention .
Long term visual appeal
A third key consideration amongst customers looking for quality integral blinds is aesthetics . Given that blinds are exposed to sunlight , often prolonged and very strong in the height of summer , the quality of the materials used in their manufacture must be able to withstand UV light , heat and large temperature differences .
Choosing Uni-Blinds ® means you benefit from the extensive research , development and testing done by Pellini in the development of their blinds to maintain visual appeal . The coatings applied to the aluminium slats of Venetian blinds are tested , often over a period of several months , to simulate the conditions associated with long term exposure in bright and warm environments , as are the pleated fabrics .
www . morleyglass . co . uk