Pro Installer March 2019 - Issue 72 | Page 4

4 | MARCH 2019 News Read online at SHAREPLANT - CONSTRUCTION PLANT & TOOL HIRE DONE DIFFERENTLY MORLEY GLASS DONATES £10,000 TO HELP CREATE COMMUNITY SPACE A local church hall is being redeveloped to create a space that the whole community can use thanks to a £10,000 donation by integral blinds manufacturer Morley Glass & Glazing. St Paul’s Church in Morley, Leeds had been a thriving hub for the local community for many years offering activities such as pre-school groups, play and stay groups, a children’s dance school and a place for family celebrations in the church hall. But the pre-fabricated structure of the church hall had come to the end of its life and needed to be demolished. Now, thanks to generous donations from local organ- isations including Morley Glass & Glazing, the church hall is being redeveloped and will soon be able to support activities for the local community once again. The Leeds-based sealed unit manufacturer and ScreenLine® integral blinds supplier has sponsored and supported numerous charities, sports clubs and good causes throughout its 20-year history. As an alternative way to hire plant and equipment, the Shareplant concept is based on the simple premise that idle equipment is a waste of money for everyone - owners, constructors and clients alike. Shareplant Market- place is a service that connects equipment owners directly to hirers so that they can rent construction equipment to each other when it would be otherwise be sitting idle - minimising cost and maximising profit. Equipment owners can join and list equipment for free, whilst hirers can find nearby high-quality spe- cialist equipment to rent in seconds! Our marketplace then provides flexibility in that the rentals can be with or without an operator, rent- ed by the hour, day, week or month. We also provide the option for rentals with or without delivery allowing you to select the most con- venient and cost-effective way of receiving the rental equipment. Shareplant founder, Mark Watters, has over 30 years’ experience in the construc- tion industry. “During this time, I often saw equipment and tools standing idle and came to the conclusion that some- one is paying for that idle time, whether it is the owner or client. I started to think of ways to try and reduce the idle time and in- crease utilisation. The idea for Shareplant suddenly came to me while we were on holiday one summer. A few years ago, we start- ed using Airbnb to book our holiday accommodation. At the time, Airbnb was new and was a way to utilise an unused asset, earning mon- ey for the home owner. Bin- go, the idea suddenly came to me! We could create an Airbnb for the construction industry. That’s where the Shareplant idea came from. This new way of thinking is called the ‘Sharing Econo- my’ and is growing quickly around the world in all aspects of our lives from travel and accommodation to the sharing of physical items such as parking spac- es, camera equipment and bicycles.” In addition to our rental marketplace we have re- cently launched our Share- plant app which is free to download from Apple and Google Play stores. Wheth- er you are an operator, supervisor or manager our app can help to increase your productivity and efficiency by reducing the need to complete manual, paper-based tasks. Offering a range of modern con- struction management tools such as reports, logs and document checks straight to your laptop, tablet and phone.