Part L 2014 (Wales)
transitional provisions
to expire 31 July 2015
Instead of the original
FENSA route to compliance
through random inspections, FENSA Pay As You Go
companies will have all jobs
inspected (similar to going
through Local Authority
Building Control) and will
have no need to hold an MTC
Card, or provide mandatory
Insurance Backed Guarantees (IBGs).
To qualify to meet the transitional provisions put in place
for Part L 2014 (Wales) an initial
notice, building notice or full
plans submission must have been
served before 31 July 2014 and
work should have been commenced on site before 31 July
Where a site meets the transitional provisions, Part L 2014
(Wales) will not apply.
FENSA Pay As You Go is the new surveillance process that enables
companies to demonstrate Building Regulations compliance without
individual operatives having to hold an MTC, (Minimum Technical
Competency) Card. It is designed for companies that infrequently
install replacement windows and doors in domestic properties.
FENSA Pay As You Go companies will still need to be ‘Certified’
to demonstrate competence and
undertake a document and procedures audit at an onsite Certification inspection. The Certification
inspection will be repeated every
three years.
“The introduction of requirements for individuals to hold an
MTC card to prove their competence to MTCs and provide IBGs
for self-certifying companies
on the original FENSA scheme
has introduced an extra level of
administration that many companies who infrequently install are
‘open to any
installation company,
whatever their size’
finding difficult to deal with,” explained FENSA managing director
Chris Mayne.
“There seemed a need for a
route to compliance which still
came under the FENSA name, but
omitted the need for operatives to
hold MTC Cards or companies to
provide IBGs. FENSA Pay As You
Go is a direct alternative to the
Local Authority Building Control
compliance route and has been
priced keenly to reflect this.”
Under FENSA Pay As You Go all
installations receive an inspection visit at a cost of £125 each
(excluding VAT) that includes the
notification fee. FENSA will be
discounting this charge to £100
for a limited period to encourage
as much sign up as possible and
minimise potential black market
Appropriate homeowner financial protection against Building
Regulations non-compliance will
be provided by FENSA through
an independently managed fund,
to which a contribution is made
within the Pay As You Go fee.
Though FENSA Pay As You Go
has been designed specifically for
companies that infrequently install
replacement glazing in domestic properties, it is open to any
installation company, whatever
their size.
Companies can immediately
register interest in FENSA Pay
As You Go by emailing PAYG@
Builders who submitted
sites to NHBC ahead of the
implementation of Part L
2014 in Wales should note
that the date by which a
commencement should be
recorded in order to ensure
the site fully meets the
transitional provisions is
fast approaching.
What is commencement
of works?
In the Welsh Government’s
opinion the commencement of
work would usually be marked
by work such as:
• excavation for strip or trench
foundations or for pad footings
• digging out and preparation of
ground for raft foundations
• vibro-floatation (stone columns) piling, boring for piles
or pile driving
• drainage work specific to the
building(s) concerned.
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The Welsh Government considers that the following sorts
of work would not be likely to
constitute the commencement
of work:
• removal of vegetation, top
soil or removal/treatment of
contaminated soil
• demolition of any previous
buildings on the site
• excavation of trial holes
• dynamic compaction
• general site servicing works
(e.g. roadways)
In some cases applications will
be in respect of a number of
buildings on a site, for example
a number of houses. In such
cases it is the commencement
of work on the first of the
buildings within the application which determines whether
all the building work can take
advantage of the transitional
provisions, not each individual
What to do next
Builders who have already submitted an initial notice to NHBC
Building Control but who have
not yet carried out a commencement should contact their NHBC
Building Inspector as soon as
possible to arrange for a suitable
inspection to be carried out
and recorded before the 31 July
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