The 2014 Young Builder
of the Year Awards
The Rt Hon Nick Raynsford MP, President of Youthbuild UK,
has launched the 2014 Young Builder of the Year Awards,
inviting entries from young builders across the UK.
“I’m delighted to launch the 15th
Young Builder of the Year Awards
to celebrate the achievements of
young people, who have successfully overcome barriers to train or
gain employment in the construction
industry,” he said.
gories: those in employment aged between
16 and 24 years old and those still in education aged between 14 and 16 years old.
Finalists will be invited to the Awards
Ceremony on Wednesday 15 October 2014
at the House of Commons, ending with a
trip on the London Eye. For 2014 there is
This launch comes just a few months after
a prize fund of £7,500, with the winner
the All-Party Parliamentarians’ Inquiry ‘No
receiving £1,500 (including tools). All shortmore lost generations’, which called for a
listed finalists will receive an award.
major expansion in training and employInformation about how to apply can be
ment opportunities for young people in
found at: www.ybuk.org
The closing date for applications is 25 July
The competition, which began in 2000, is
open to young builders from across the UK,
The Judging panel is chaired by Stephen
and applications are invited from two Page_1013_Layout 1 06/12/2013 10:16 Page 1
Ratcliffe, Director UKCG, who will be joined
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by other senior
figures from the construction industry: Judy
Lowe, Deputy Chair, CITB, Paul Chandler,
Vice President Skanska UK, Rob Lockey,
Training Service Manager NHBC, Alasdair
Reisner, Director CESA and Neil Carroll,
Managing Director, Toolstation.
Sponsors include NHBC, Skanska, Land
Securities, Orbit Housing, Places for People,
Toolstation and UKCG.
Youthbuild UK’s mission is to recognise
the potential of every individual to overcome barriers in life through their engagement in construction based services, and to
celebrate their success.
The awards recognise outstanding
young people in the construction
industry; people like Omar Cila,
20, who has achieved Level 2 in
electrotechnical technology and NVQ
in electrical installation just four
years after fleeing imprisonment in
Guinea and arriving in Britain unable
to speak a word of English.
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