Pro Installer July 2017 - Issue 52 | Page 28

28 | JULY 2017 Installer Essentials SOLVE A STICKY SITUATION Labels come in all shapes and sizes but they all have one thing in common – they are incredibly sticky. These stubborn labels can take hours to scrub off glass, and usually even the classic hot water and soap method isn’t enough to get rid of them. For those who come across this problem, there is a sure solution to tackle the sticky problem and that’s CT1 Multi- solve. This safe and unique aliphatic solvent works fast with no staining or damage caused to the material it’s applied to. When it comes to removing sticky labels, it is important to keep in mind that the labels themselves have a tenacious bond (in order to conform with E.U. consumer law), which is why it is so difficult to detach and remove them. Without Multisolve, you could be scrubbing at the sticker for hours without much improvement. Removing these sticky labels from dou- ble glazed windows can be quite tricky, especially if you don’t have the right tools to hand. Learning how to remove sticky labels from double glazed windows or even to remove labels from sanitary ware doesn’t take a genius. All it takes is one CT1 Multi- solve to get the task done. Multisolve works fast, with no staining or damage to the material it’s applied to. Unlike other typical solvents found in today’s market, Multisolve will not burn the sticky label off from the attached materi- al. Instead, Multisolve uses a gentle but powerful detaching formula which removes labels and other adhesives without causing any damage to the surrounding materials. You’ll never have to worry about wasting time scrubbing labels off surfaces if you have Multisolve in hand. It can be used to remove a range of other things aside from sticky labels such as wax, paraffin, printing ink, sealants, construction adhesives, oil and even grease. It removes these materials in the same way it is used to remove sticky labels and stickers. Multisolve will remove sticky labels from virtually any surface, but in addition it will also remove the sticky glue residue with each. This is exactly what you need from a solvent, especially when it comes to pre- serving the original material of the detached surface. Most other solvents will more than likely cause some degree of damage whereas Multisolve can guarantee safe and effective results.