Pro Installer January 2019 - Issue 70 | Page 6

6 | JANUARY 2019 Installer News Read online at WELCOME TO THE FIT SHOW KORNICHE CHALLENGE QUICK FIT: Walk away from K10 with £1000 Here’s your chance to win £1000 by simply coming to the FIT Show 2019 and taking part in the Made for Trade Korniche challenge. The impact that the Korniche Aluminium Roof Lantern has had on the industry since it was introduced at FIT Show 2017 has exceeded all expectations at Made for Trade, with the roof becoming the go-to product for installers, builders and the end users looking for a lantern solution for Glazed Flat Roof Extension projects. The Korniche has become the big- gest selling Aluminium Lantern in the industry due to its class leading Great Aesthetics coupled with powerful USP’s of Faster, Stronger, Warmer and Slim- mer with NO onsite Cutting Trimming or Silicone applied within the roof. Fitted in Minutes, Glazed in Seconds – simply highlights the USP behind the award winning Korniche becoming the firm favourite with installers and builders who have fitted this Lantern. That all important ease of installation delivers confidence and places the product as one of very few to success- fully blend technical innovation and modern manufacturing engineering, really raising the bar and challenging the fenestration industries ability to discover new solutions that provide a true advantage on-site. Speaking of challenging the in- dustry, just in case there is anyone out there who still hasn’t seen the ease of a Korniche installation (or maybe some competition that want an opportunity to claw back some lost revenue?), Made for Trade will be holding the ‘Korniche Challenge’ at the FIT Show 2019. Following on from our “seeing is believing” marketing cam- Made for Trade is offering the op- paign this will be a chance of actually having a go and to top it off winning a BIG CASH PRIZE. Made for Trade has seen a few claims that competitor products have been made easier to install, but does anyone ever put their money where their mouth is?... Well MFT really are this time by offering the opportunity to visit FIT Show 2019 and walk away with a £1000 CASH PRIZE by simply taking on the Challenge to install the Korniche Lantern in the fastest time of the day. Korniche Lantern components used will be exactly as they would be when delivered free to your site, having been unwrapped, checked and ready for installation. If you’re still wasting your time and money installing antiquated conservatory roof-based Lantern sys- tems then this will be your chance to try Korniche and see why this Lantern is the best in its class. portunity for both new and experienced in- stallers to rise to the challenge and become the fastest installers of our demonstration Korniche Lantern on Stand K10. If you think you are fast then you’re in with the chance to walk away with a BIG CASH PRIZE. We will be holding a new competition each day, at the end of which the three quickest teams on our leaderboard will be going home with either £1000, £200 or £100 IN CASH. The competition is open to anyone at FIT but entrants can pre-register with us for a guaranteed chance of taking part and be our VIP Guest, we’ll have limited space so don’t delay to ensure you don’t miss out, the competition will be run on: TUESDAY 21st May 2019 WEDNESDAY 22nd May 2019 THURSDAY 23rd MAY 2019 Enter the challenge for a chance to enjoy the glory of having your name on the top of our leader board along with press coverage of yourself and your business during and after the show with FIT Show press releases and industry-leading magazines. HOW TO ENTER: Simply email marketing@ with the subject line FIT SHOW CHALLENGE. Tell us: • The names of your Team members • Which day you will be attending and if you prefer an AM or PM challenge, we will confirm your place and send your FIT SHOW VIP Registration Link. • Get social – Tell everyone you’re entering use the hashtag #kornichechallenge Taking the challenge: • A team of two persons • Must be a registered business • Adhere to the challenge rules and wear the applicable PPE you will be provided on the day • Arrive 30 minutes before your allocated Challenge time to go through the installation guide and have a practice session #kornichechallenge #FITShow2019 #EveryonesGoingLive The most common Winter household disasters Almost 90 per cent of build- ers have been called out to fix leaking roofs, nearly half have been asked to fix burst pipes and a third have been asked to repair a broken boiler during the winter months). The most common issues build- ers have been asked to deal with in and around Winter are as follows: 1) 86% of builders have dealt with leaking roofs; 2) 74% of builders have fixed leaks from defective lead flashings and apron to chimney stack; 3) 51% of builders have re- paired damage caused to the property because of blocked gutters; 4) 47% of builders have dealt with leaking windows; 5) 44% of builders have dealt with burst pipes; 6) 37% of builders have dealt with leaking doors; 7) 33% of builders have ar- ranged for a broken boiler to be fixed; 8) 29% of builders have fixed damage caused to the property by falling branches from trees; 9) 24% of builders have ar- ranged for electrical wiring to be fixed. Commenting on the research, Brian Berry, Chief Executive of the FMB, said: “The festive period is a busy time for builders. They are regularly called out to fix leaks, burst pipes and broken boilers over the winter period, with leaking roofs topping the list. Almost 90 per cent of firms have been called to fix leaky roofs, nearly half have been asked to fix burst pipes and a third have had to repair a broken boiler. Winter is a costly time of year and the last thing homeowners want to spend their money on is emergen- cy home improvement work. To prevent these issues from occur- ring homeowners should carry out a simple programme of mainte- nance. Boilers should be serviced and checked in advance of winter to avoid any breakdowns”