Pro Installer January 2018 - Issue 58 | Page 40

40 | JANUARY 2018 Puzzles Read online at CROSSWORD SUDOKU DOWN 1. Submerged sandbank 7. Nice 8. Baked dough 10. Semi-paralysed person 12. Pathetic loser 14. Highs & ... 16. Whirlpool 17. Meataxes 20. Outmanoeuvred 23. Holy city 24. Agreeably 25. TV serial melodrama, soap ... 1. Wept 2. Pronto (1,1,1,1) 3. Jumping parasite 4. Tennis-shots exchange 5. Tropical swamp trees 6. Supplies 9. Paints roughly 11. Balancing feat 13. Fully 15. Sultan’s wives 16. Sufficient 18. Musical composition 19. Appeal earnestly 21. Egyptian river 22. Profound ACROSS WHEEL WORDS Create as many words of 4 letters or more using the given letters once only but always including the middle letter. Do not use proper names or plurals. See if you can find the 9-letter word using up all letters. 16 Very Good 12 Good 21+ Excellent MOVIE WATCH Al Pacino has appeared in all the movies below. See if you can unscramble them. SOLUTIONS 1. Righteous Kill, 2. The Recruit, 3. Ocean’s Thirteen, 4. Insomnia. Movie Watch 9-letter word: SCARECROW Craw, Crew, Crow, Scow, Ware, Wear, Wore, Arrow, Cower, Rawer, Rower, Screw, Serow, Sower, Swear, Swore, Worse, Crower, Escrow. Wheel Words Solution: Craw, Crew, Crow, Scow, Ware, Wear, Wore, Arrow, Cower, Rawer, Rower, Screw, Serow, Sower, Swear, Swore, Worse, Crower, Escrow. 9-letter word: SCARECROW. Wheel Words PX 0019 © Lovatts Puzzles MOVIE WATCH SOLUTION 1. Righteous Kill, 2. The Recruit, 3. Ocean’s Thirteen, 4. Insomnia. MOVIE WATCH 021 © Lovatts Puzzles FREE to pick up at over 650 trade counters across the UK ADF PLASTICS LTD Catch up with previous issues at