Setting the standard
The importance of being Liniar Approved
We’ve all seen the shocking, and
often tragic, circumstances that
can result from using products
that aren’t manufactured to the
correct specification.
Protecting fabricators Strict guidelines
We know building regulations are being The Liniar Approved Fabricator scheme sets
increasingly tightened, for all the right reasons, strict guidelines over the use of specific steel
and so we’re getting on the front foot to assure and aluminium products. This is to ensure
Liniar fabricators that we have the Liniar that ALL components used within the Liniar
Using sub-standard parts or poorly managed Approved Scheme in place to protect them system are approved and conform to the high
construction techniques can lead to a product and provide commercial advantage. standards set for fabricated windows, doors
failing and, in turn, cause damage to health,
personal injury or damage to personal property.
and bi-folds.
Maintaining the quality of Liniar products is of
paramount importance – we want every single
In addition to civil liability for damage caused window and door to be made in exactly the
by a defective product, the companies way it was designed – and we are committed
responsible, including their directors, may be to supporting our customers in manufacturing
held to be criminally liable which may result in the highest quality, fully accredited and
an unlimited fine or imprisonment. guaranteed products.
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A window is not a Liniar
window unless all of its
components are
HL Plastics Ltd approved