Pro Installer January 2018 - Issue 58 | Page 36

What ’ s new for the installer in 2018 ?
36 | JANUARY 2018

What ’ s new for the installer in 2018 ?


Gareth Thomas , group sales director at Customade Group , talks to Pro Installer about how installers can advance by keeping things simple .
Are installers at risk of supressing their growth by sourcing from multiple suppliers ?
Yes , I believe growth is being hampered for many installers because of how they source products . The number of installation firms has risen over the last three years , which is an encouraging sign . However , their longer-term growth is being stifled by outdated , multiple supply models , which make the process of sourcing products more complicated and fraught than it needs to be . This has ultimately left the installer with less control over their business and this has affected their efficiency and profitability .
Precious time is wasted juggling multiple suppliers – time that could be spend on profitable business – and dozens of installers are walking away from work they should be taking on because they can ’ t source the right products at the right price point .
How can we drive growth ?
As an industry , we need to question how suppliers serve their customers and influence change in favour of the installer . It ’ s about revolutionising the supply chain to open up routes to more fenestration products for installers and it ’ s about tapping into the potential new sectors of the industry which are forecast to show growth .

We need to effect change

With rapid change and product innovation in the industry , I don ’ t think that any installer can afford to remain loyal to these complicated supply chains anymore . We need to get the message out there that installers can look elsewhere if their current supplier doesn ’ t offer the full spectrum of products or the service levels they need to prosper . We need to effect change to drive growth .
What will help installers become more productive and profitable ?
Installers need greater control to manage their projects efficiently and more support to help them quickly tap into the growth areas when they emerge – this isn ’ t easy when you ’ re dealing with several suppliers . I believe installers will gain from a more ‘ joined-up ’ approach by co-ordinating everything through one supplier – the key is choosing the right partner because that will make a huge difference to their business .
What are the advantages of single source supply versus multiple suppliers ?
With so many variables when dealing with multiple suppliers in the chain , it ’ s not often that you find an installer that ’ s happy with every element of the service they receive from every supplier , whether it ’ s PVCu or aluminium , windows , doors or conservatories .
Installers are far more likely to succeed if they keep things simple . With just one supplier – one that ’ s established , reputable and , ideally , nationwide – installers have one easy route to a host of fenestration products , profiles , materials and price points
that guarantee sustainable margins . This streamlined supply chain makes life easier for the installer , giving them more time to dedicate to their business and achieve higher profits .
Using a single route for everything brings greater convenience , speed and consistently high service levels . As well as saving time , this approach allows installers to plan and manage their installations more efficiently and look ahead to
the next project . And , with one dedicated sales contact who understands their individual needs , installers can expect greater levels of support and easier communication at every stage of their project .
There are increased opportunities for long-term

they can explore fresh , new markets with confidence and protect their business

growth for installers too because they will have immediate access to products that they might not have used before . This is important because it means that they can explore fresh , new markets with confidence and protect their business during more volatile market conditions . It also enables installers to take on work they might previously have had to turn down because they didn ’ t have the right products in their portfolio .
What advice do you have for installers considering a switch ?
The prospect of moving over to one single supplier can seem daunting , but it doesn ’ t have to be . It ’ s a given that a supplier needs to show a strong track record along the entire length of supply chain , but they also need to be loyal and committed to help their customers grow .
Customade Group is committed to making this the year of the installer and we ’ ve launched a package that delivers exactly what they need . Bringing together some of the UK ’ s bestknown fenestration brands into one seamless supply chain , it ’ s the ultimate solution for installers who want to boost their productivity and drive growth in 2018 and beyond .
To find out more , call Customade Group on 01453 826884 or visit thecustomadegroup . co . uk