Why 2014? That’s the question being asked by many people, particularly as
we originally said that FIT would be a biennial event; the answer’s simple.
Demand for a one-off annual cycle is most definitely
there, especially if the
quantity of exhibitor signups so far is anything to
go by, which comes as no
surprise when you consider
the length of time it’s been
since such a showcase
What’s most encouraged the
organising team is the number
of new companies to commit to
FIT ’14 who either missed out on
the opportunity to exhibit last
time round or who, understandably, wanted to wait and see how
receptive the industry would be
to the show.
For The FIT Show to be a longterm success it needs to offer
visitors constant diversity and
innovation and that’s exactly
what they’ll get again next year
as in addition to many returnee
exhibitors, we welcome a string
of new faces.
‘constant diversity
and innovation’
Here’s a small crosssection of them:
batimet GmbH - leading
system solutions
Henry Chical, International Sales
Manager: “We will be exhibiting for the first time outside of
Germany. As we will not be participating in many trade shows in
2014, The FIT Show will play an
important role for our activities in
the UK market, which we would
like to further extend.
“Every country has their own
technical specifics, especially
when it comes to the design of
windows, so a show dedicated to
the UK market with its specific
needs will surely be successful.”
BSI Group - the business
standards company
Product Marketing Executive
Charlotte Broady: “There has been
a lot of interest around The FIT
Show since its launch last year. We
heard the show was a resounding
success in 2013. We feel that it’s
an important event, giving us the
chance to meet with clients and
uncover new opportunities.
“We’d like to use The FIT
Show as an opportunity to
speak to existing customers,
and give new customer exposure to our services to share
with them the full range of
services that we offer. We also
hope it will be an opportunity
for all visitors to discuss with
us any new products they feel
we may be able to help them
Iso-Chemie GmbH manufacturers of
foam products and
sealing tapes
General Manager Peter
Thompson: “I think it is very
helpful to have a show dedicated to the industry. I think most
people do plan trade shows into
their marketing strategy rather
than attend by accident, so they
are always important. But more
important is to attend the right
shows – like The FIT Show.
“We were impressed with the
general buzz generated from
the 2013 show and think it is
time to regenerate an industry
specific show for UK Fenestration.”
Jotika Software creators of business
and production control
solutions for flat
glass processing
Marketing Director Brian Gold:
“We visited the show last time
and met many of our customers
and potential customers walking the aisles. It was a very well
marketed show, which gave it a
great buzz, the likes of which we
haven’t seen for a long time in
the industry so we were attracted by the publicity it would generate for Jotika as an exhibitor.
“We hope it will help enhance
awareness of our full range of
software solutions, reinforcing
our status as the leading software supplier to the glass and
glazing market, and enable us
to meet new prospects face-toface.”
Tremco illbruck Limited
– developers of the i3
window sealing system
Market Manager Fraser Higgins:
“I still think that people will
come out and see things that are
relevant to them, especially new
industry innovations that will
repay their investment in time
over the course of the next two
“There is no better tool than
face to face communication
and having a large proportion
of your target audience in one
place at the same time is a massive advantage. The audience
profile, the attendance levels,
and the feedback from the 2013
show demonstrated to us that
we should be there and we need
people who are receptive to what
we have to say.”
UK Industrial Tapes suppliers of adhesive
tapes for industrial use
Glazing Sales Advisor Scott
Ilderton: “We visited this year
and decided we needed to be
involved. The FIT Show seems
more focused on promoting the
exhibitors and maintaining the
buzz rather than letting the buzz
ebb away like it did at Glassex
and Interbuild.
“We are looking to pick up
leads for users of our product
range as well as offer support at
the show to the exhibitors that
already use our products.”