26 | AUGUST 2020
Installer Support
The latest tool designed to
support installers in the post
Covid-19 era has hit the market.
Pricepoint, from industry software
stalwarts MP Logic has been
launched and has been described
as the ultimate remote software
selling tool for window and door
Crammed full of amazing features
it enables installers to sell
to their customers online where
they’re not able to meet them
face to face, or use it in the customers
home where they can.
The easy to use system has
been designed to enable homeowners
to input their existing
window designs into the software,
lets the installer gain an
understanding of their needs and
wishes through its smart tools,
and then ‘meet’ the customer
online to discuss the designs they
might want for their new windows
and doors, the colour and
glass options available to them
and what hardware to choose.
As designs are agreed installers
can simply build up the price
from their existing price lists and
add them into the quote, and
through the branded software
can produce a professional
document for their customers to
Once the customer is happy,
they can even sign the contract
document online using an
‘e-signature’, another of the many
smart pricepoint features.
So, what makes pricepoint such
a ‘must have’ tool for installers?
Pricepoint includes over 1 million
window and door designs including
bow and bay, leaded and
Georgian options. It includes the
widest range of colour options
for window and door profiles,
and for composite doors.
Installers can add their window
and door costs, installation
costs and any building works
costs directly into quotes from
their existing price lists, meaning
they don’t have to learn a new
They also benefit from pricepoint’s
Manufacturing Intelligence
which means that if a customer
asks for a window that cannot be
made, the software will ask them
to make some amendments – to
the style or the dimensions.
They can also add their logos
and company information into
the system to make the quotes
and contracts they produce look
professional and stylish.
The system takes minutes to
set up and has easy visual commands
at every turn, and comes
with an extensive helpdesk function
should installers need any
additional support.
Pricepoint is hosted on the
latest Microsoft Azure technology
platform, all in the cloud, and
means it can be used anywhere
– whether the installer is in the
office, at the home of a customer,
or when they are out on the road,
and it doesn’t even need to be
connected to the internet. The
system is available to download
directly from the app store.
“One metre-plus ok, two metres
better” says British Safety
Council chief executive
The British Safety
Council has reminded
employers that they have
a duty of care to their
staff. PM Boris Johnson
announced that from 4 July
pubs and restaurants will
re-open, as well as hairdressers,
hotels and bed
and breakfasts, cinemas,
museums and galleries.
The government then
publised new guidance on
how businesses can reduce
the risk by taking certain
steps to protect workers
and customers. These
include avoiding face-toface
seating, reducing the
number of people inside,
improving ventilation,
changing shift patterns and
increasing face coverings,
including mandatory face
coverings on public transport.
In the course of his
statement in the House of
Commons the Prime Minister
said: “At every stage,
caution will remain our
watchword and each step
will be conditional and
reversible. A key change
announced was a revision
of guidance on social distancing
from two metres to
“one metre plus”.
Speaking from his home
the chief executive of the
British Safety Council
“I know that many
people will welcome the
relaxation of the lockdown
rules today which will
mean they can more easily
see their friends, and from
4 July visit their local pub
or restaurant – subject to
the necessary precautions.
Throughout the coronavirus
crisis we have been
working to support our
members and others to
adapt how they work and
to make sure their workers
and customers are safe. The
same principles must now
apply to hospitality and
leisure businesses, reducing
risk as far as is practicable
and talking through
the necessary changes
with employees so that the
whole team is acting to
keep everyone safe.”
“Covid-19 has obviously
not gone away, it remains
a risk and it is right that
employers, who have a
duty of care to their staff,
do everything they can to
protect them as they get
ready to re-open in July.
The prime minister has
said that caution is the
“government’s watchword”,
and I hope that it is. The
precautionary principle
is at the heart of health
and safety management
– by planning, acting and
checking processes we can
reduce the risk and keep
people safe.
“The scientific advice
coming from the Health
and Safety Executive has
not changed – the risk of
transmission is significantly
higher the closer people
are to one another and it
is still recommended that
people keep two metres
apart where they can – as
the prime minister has said.
Where social distancing is
not always possible, such
as on public transport, then
face coverings can mitigate
risk. Like the prime
minister, I hope people
will apply common sense,
and that means taking into
account the very real risk
that remains, even as the
lockdown ends.”