APRIL 2018 | 41
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Fed up Brits are finding ever more creative ways of highlighting the UK’s growing pothole problem.
Now car leasing giant Lease-
car.uk has put together a list of
applause-worthy efforts from rub-
ber duck swimming pools to fake
road signs, all designed to draw
attention to unsightly potholes in
UK roads.
The stunts were all successful
in highlighting the problem and
encouraging the local councils to
repair unsightly roads quickly.
A spokesperson for Leasecar.uk
said: “Potholes can be dangerous.
They can damage cars and many
drivers will swerve to avoid them.
“We understand that many local
authorities are strapped for cash
and pot holes can come pretty far
down the list of priorities but as a
motoring organisation we feel it’s
important to maintain road quality
for both drivers and pedestrians.
“These three examples show
just how creative we Britons can
be when it comes to highlighting
the issue of potholes. We think it’s
wonderful when the public find
creative ways to send a message
to councils that roads need to be
The spokesman for car leasing
giant Leasecar.uk continued: “While
there have been many attempts to
resolve potholes in the UK, there
will inevitably be problem areas in
all locations to remain aware of.
“Looking after your car is
something everyone strives to do
for both safety and comfort, so un-
derstandably people are frustrated
when potholes crop up causing
damage to vehicles through no
fault of their own.
“Our best advice is to try and
take alternate routes to avoid prob-
lem areas and always check your
vehicle if you feel that any damage
has been caused by contact with a
rough road surface. It’s important
for safety reasons to check the con-
dition of your tyres regularly too.”
Here are Leasecar.uk’s favourite three pothole highlighters:
£100M to fill pothole
The Road Haulage Association
has welcomed the news that the
government is to make a further
£100 million available to councils
across the UK to repair potholes
and other damage caused by recent
extreme weather conditions.
“This news is good for all road
users but in particular for road
transport operators,” said Chief ex-
ecutive Richard Burnett. “Transport
Secretary Chris Grayling says that
people rely on good roads to get to
work and to see friends or family.
“For hauliers, the road network,
including the motorway system, is
their workplace. However, harsh
winter conditions have seen many
roads fall into such a state of disre-
pair that many are no longer fit for
“We understand that the money
will help repair almost 2 million
potholes. The cost to road hauliers
for repairs to damaged suspension
systems and increased tyre wear
for example, is already consider-
“Local councils must acknowl-
edge that the problem extends well
beyond the main roads. Many dis-
tribution centres are based on large
industrial estates for which the ac-
cess roads are not part of the stra-
tegic road network. The need for
these side roads to be maintained
is equally important in maintaining
the viability of local businesses and
the regional economy.”
When the villagers of Steeple
Aston, Oxfordshire, had a puddle
duck party in the great road
craters outside their local pub
after accusing local officials
of ‘ducking the issue’.
(Photo credit – Twitter
- @GrundyOxford)
A Gloucestershire pothole
vigilante got creative and
made fake road signs to shame
their local council into sorting
crumbling road surfaces.
In Swanage, potholes were circled
with ‘FIX ME’ written next to them
on a particularly bad stretch
of road. The culprit remains
anonymous and the county council
explained that the potholes
had been identified for repair.
(Photo credit –
Bournemouth Echo)
Their escapades included
changing a ‘No Road Markings’
warning to read ‘No Road, Just
Holes’ and she even went as far
as having a sign made saying:
ROADS AHEAD” after nearly ten
villagers experienced car damage
due to potholes in the area.
(Photo credit – Wilts
Glos Standard)