Hearing loss at work
- a real danger in the
construction industry
Industrial hearing loss is among the most common causes of industrial injury, and is particularly frequent in the
construction sector. Construction processes are generally very noisy, but because hearing loss is often cumulative
and may take years to develop, the dangers are easily overlooked. This is a concern both for workers and for
employers, the latter being legally bound to protect construction workers from the damaging effects of noise.
Noise matters
All employers in the construction sector, as elsewhere, have a duty of care
to protect their workers
from the damage caused
by industrial noise. This
duty arises under various
UK laws and regulations,
primarily the Control of
Noise at Work Regulations
2005 and the Health and
Safety at Work Act 1974.
There is also a duty of care
towards those who may be
incidentally affected, such
as members of the public
passing by, or living or
working close to, a construction site.
Exposure to noise at
work can cause a range
of problems, in particular
hearing loss and tinnitus (a
persistent ringing, buzzing
or other sound in the ears).
The risk of harm increases
with the level and duration
of noise, and often with repeated exposure, although
single exposures to noise
can and do cause permanent hearing damage.
Hearing loss often takes
years to fully develop, but
when it does can have
devastating effects. Sufferers may become socially
isolated, stressed and
Industrial hearing damage
is generally permanent.
Employers’ duties
Employers have a duty to
protect workers from the
damaging effects of noise
on site; they must comply
with the relevant noise
exposure action and limit
values and reduce the risks
from noise to the lowest
level that is reasonably possible. Then, and only then,
should hearing protection
be considered, as a means
of mitigating the residual
risk and reducing the danger even further.
It is extremely important
to note that hearing protection must not be used
as the primary means of
reducing industrial noise.
Employers must assess,
control and review the risks
posed by noise exposure
on construction sites.
The first step is to assess
the level of noise on
site, the amount of time
exposed to the noise and
then take steps to reduce
it. As a (very) general
rule of thumb, if people
standing around two
metres apart have to raise
their voices to chat in any
location on site or at any
point, then the noise level
is too high. Also, the dangers are not only posed by
continuous sound. Infrequent but intense sounds,
such as those made by
cartridge-operated tools,
are also dangerous.
Effective worker engagement can be very helpful
when it comes to making
an accurate assessment
of noise on site. Workers
can explain and describe
in detail the processes
involved and what noise
is generated, how and
where. This can be combined with more formal
assessments and measurements, such as the use of
noise-related information
supplied with tools and
Once an accurate assessment has been made, the
next step is to reduce the
level of noise as far as
possible. There are various ways of doing this, for
• Staff who do not need to
be in, or within earshot
of, a noisy area can be
removed from it and work
• Site design should take
noise risks in to account,
for example, walkways
should be positioned
away from particularly
noisy processes
• Noisy processes can be
replaced with less noisy
approaches: for example,
boring instead of pile
• Equipment can be bought
or hired with noise levels
in mind: some items are
louder than their alternatives
• Equipment can be replaced with that made
of less noisy materials:
rubber rather than metal
hammers, for example
• Sound barriers and/or
shields can be installed
• Workers should be
trained to use equipment
in the most appropriate
way: for example, with
windows and doors
• The amount of time
for which workers are
exposed to noise may be
limited via work rotas
and rosters.
When all steps possible
to limit noise have been
taken, the degree of residual noise must be assessed
and, if appropriate, suitable
hearing protection equipment provided.
The type of hearing
protection and its manufacturer are important
choices, since a study by
the HSE has estimated that
around 40% of workers
using hearing protection
are inadequately protected.
It is also important that
workers are trained to use
the hearing protection
properly; bearing in mind
that over-protection can be
as dangerous as under protection on a construction
site if workers cannot hear
warning signals.
Even when all of these
steps have been taken, and
work is underway, employers should continue to monitor the situation and use
health surveillance methods
where appropriate.
Who can help?
Employers in the construction industry are
among those most likely
to be faced with claims for
industrial hearing damage
as a result of exposure to
noise. There are many noisy
processes and environments
within any construction
site, and managing the risk
from noise in all of them is
a complex task: but it must
and can be done effectively.
Recognising this, diversified technology company
3M and HSL (which is an
agency of the HSE) have
together produced an interactive e-learning package, in
an immersive and readily-accessible format, that helps
construction employers to
navigate and effectively
meet all of their health and
safety obligations.