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Tradespeople Call On
Future Government To
Increase Skilled Workers
UK tradespeople, ahead of 2015
elections, are calling for Government support to increase the
availability of skilled workers
through the encouragement of
apprenticeships, according to
new research conducted by multi-channel retailer Screwfix.
More than three quarters of UK
tradespeople want the Government
to raise the number of apprenticeship places from 110,000 to 400,000
to encourage as many school leavers
to take up apprenticeships as go to
university. Only 40% of tradespeople
considered immigration as an important issue, with many more worried
about the shortage of skilled workers
in the UK.
Screwfix’s Tradesman Manifesto* reveals the importance of the availability
of skilled tradespeople and women in
the UK. Many of the plumbers, electricians, builders, carpenters and other
tradespeople questioned have little or
no experience of taking on apprentices with only 14% having employed
one in the last year. Cost is the biggest
barrier to taking on an apprentice for
more than one third of tradespeople
and research suggests more funding
for apprenticeships would allow businesses to train future tradespeople.
Many tradespeople also feel that low
pay is discouraging potential apprentices and more than half would like to
raise the minimum wage to attract the
best new talent.
The report also revealed that nearly
three quarters of tradespeople believe
the amount of tax their business pays
is of great importance. 89% support
current commitments to continue
freezing fuel duty and 84% want the
personal income tax allowance to
increase to £12,500, believing that
such measures would have a positive
impact on their business and encourage growth.
‘we wanted to give
tradespeople a voice’
Andrew Livingston, CEO of Screwfix,
commented: “As a key supplier to the
trade, we wanted to give tradespeople
a voice by gathering feedback and
submitting it on their behalf to the
government. Many of our customers
are busier than ever right now and it’s
important we work closely with wider
industry and government to consider
new ways to help them and to encourage growth in their businesses.”
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Tradespeople’s views on other important topics were also captured by
the Tradesman Manifesto. Nearly three
quarters want action to reduce paperwork and cut ‘red tape’ as more than
half say they spend nearly one month
a year on form filling and bureaucracy.
Tax is also an important issue to UK
tradespeople with 72% considering tax
to be a priority for future Government
to take action.
*Screwfix Tradesman Manifesto is a
survey of more than 600 UK tradespeople undertaken to understand
what is important to them and how
they are reacting to the constantly
changing economic and technological
landscapes. It was submitted to the
Chancellor in March 2015.
Apprentice numbers soar in
first part of academic year
Apprenticeships are
going from strength to
strength after official
figures revealed they
saw a boost in popularity in the first part of
the academic year.
Some 670,000 people
chose to learn vital skills on
the job between the end of
2014 and the start of 2015,
according to statistics from
the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.
And a huge chunk of this
number was made up by
the 16-24 age group, with
around 400,000 young
people opting to enroll
on workplace training
There was also a rise in
the number of recruits to
higher apprenticeships and
to traineeships, showing
that more and more people
are seeing vocational training as worth their while.
Ministers and industry
chiefs have welcomed the
news as positive for both
the economy and workers,
adding that it should help
to keep employers focused on the value of such
Stephen Radley, CITB
Director of Policy and
Strategic Planning, said: “It
is great to see the dramatic
increase in apprentice numbers this academic year,
particularly those aged 16
to 24.
“Many young people are
voting with their feet to take
up an apprenticeship. The
growth of higher apprenticeships also demonstrates
that apprenticeships are a
route to skills at all levels.
“The challenge now for
construction employers
is to take this message
to teachers, parents and
careers advisers. Building
on this success must also
be a priority for the