Jackloc campaign
highlights springtime
household dangers
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Award-winning window lock supplier Jackloc has launched a seasonal campaign –
“Spring should be called Fall” - to highlight the danger of unrestricted windows.
The campaign aims to raise consumer
awareness of the increased risk of
falls from unrestricted open windows
at this time of year, when people are
keen to enjoy the finer weather after
a cold, wet winter.
Jackloc Director Emma Wells said: “As the
spring finally arrives, it is natural that people
want to make the most of the warmer, dryer
weather and let some fresh air into their
homes by throwing open their windows.
“But it is a tragic fact that people of all ages
die needlessly each year – and thousands
are injured – in the UK through falls from
unrestricted windows”.
Family-run company Jackloc, which created
its unique original universal window restrictor in 2003, has been campaigning for more
than 10 years to educate people about the
dangers of open windows.
The company works with clients and
organisations such as the Royal Society
for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) to
promote risk assessments, appropriate safety measures and ongoing checks on such
equipment in a variety of settings, from care
homes to hotels.
A number of children are killed and RoSPA
estimates that 4,000 are injured in falls from
windows in the UK each year. UK-based
Jackloc is campaigning to make restrictors
compulsory on all windows above ground
floor level.
Jacklocs have been installed to improve
safety and security in buildings such as private homes, care homes, hospitals, schools,
hotels, student accommodation and highrise flats all over the world,