The Secret Is
Finally Out...
So, the secret is finally out. For those who hadn’t guessed the composite
door manufacturer who has just entered trade sector for the first time is IG
Doors with their new Truedor range specifically for the consumer market.
So what is Truedor?
We asked Richard
Kirman Sales and Marketing Manager for IG
Doors trade division to
tell us more.
“Truedor is our brand
new composite door range
designed specifically for the
consumer market. It is an
entirely new range of doors
with over 30 exciting new
styles and more to come,
and over 50 glass patterns,
all available as standard”.
“For those who don’t
know IG Doors it has been
manufacturing doors since
the 1970’s and is currently
the largest manufacturer
of composite doors in the
UK. IG Doors is a great
business; the whole team,
from our MD Mark Pulman,
throughout our 180 plus
workforce, are passionate
about what we do and are
totally focused on making
good quality, value for money products, backed up by
great customer service”.
We aim to work
closely with the
trade installer
“Truedor has been developed as an entirely new
range distinct from those
which IG Doors currently
supplies. It is our intention
to get it to the consumer by
working closely with the
trade installer and fabricator
“Despite IG Doors being
the UK’s largest manufacturer of composite doors
we recognised that we were
actually missing out on over
50% of the total available
market through not working
with the trade sector. As a
business our philosophy is
to continually move forward
and to continually invest,
and entering the trade market was the natural progression for us”.
There is certainly
room for another
“We have no doubt that
there is room for another
significant player in the
market. The market is growing and will continue to do
so and there is a realisation
that the end market, the
consumer market, is very
different today than it was
even just a few years ago”.
“Understanding this, and
being able to shape our
offering accordingly is one
of the reasons why we believe that what we have will
really work and enable us
to get a real foothold in the
‘The market is
growing and will
continue to do so’
Service levels and
style will make
us stand out
“Our core strength will be
our service levels and our
communication style. Installers dealing with Truedor
will have a 24/7 personalised
answering service to support
them; we believe offering
this is key to supporting
businesses which are very
often out on site during the
day and which need the option of communicating outside of normal office hours.
It is our intention to fully
engage with and understand
the installer market, their
needs, what works for them
and how we can make their
life easier. Our approach will
be to be friendly and professional and to work hard to
develop good relationships
with our customers”.
A new approach
to the market
– targeting the
consumer directly
“Where we believe we are
going to be radically different from our competitors is
by targeting the consumer
from the outset. Our intention is to develop a genuine
consumer brand which will
see homeowners asking for
Truedor by name, and which
will give installers of our
product the opportunity to
capture market share against
their competitors”.
“We will be investing
significantly from the outset
in marketing to the consumer to create an awareness
amongst homeowners of
what they should be looking
for in a composite door, how
it can change the appearance and feel of their home,
the questions they should be
asking, and specifically as a
consequence why Truedor is
their natural choice”.
Looking forward
to the FIT Show
“We are really excited
about the FIT show, and
the opportunity to showcase our range of composite doors to the trade and
fabricator market for the
first time en masse. As well
as our own significant stand
we are a main sponsor of
the Master Fitter Competition and are also involved in
the sponsorship of the gala
dinner on the Wednesday
“The whole event represents a great opportunity for
us to really get the market talking about us. Our
intention is that by the end
of the FIT show everybody
will know all about Truedor
from IG Doors”.