Private Money411 Magazine - The Source for Real Estate Finance | Page 3

Money411 P R I VAT E Contents 5 Tim Herriage with B2R Finance 7 Celebrate Private Money411 Live 9 Photo right: Tim Herriage, Managing Director for B2R Finance pg. 6 Applied Business Software 11 Strategies for Private Lending 14 New Options for Investors from FirstKey Lending Contact us: 805.693.1497 or [email protected] Be social and receive updates on: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+ and more Important Disclosures for Our Readers: The information and presentations provided therein do not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell securities or real estate. Please be aware that real estate investing can be risky. Realty411, the publisher of Private Money411, is not responsible for any information provided and/or statistical data presented, and does not reflect the opinions, advice or research by us. Readers are 100% responsible for their due diligence, for all investment information and for all decisions with respect to any potential investment or transaction. 411 recommends readers seek the advice of a trusted attorney, broker, CPA and/or financial adviser before investing. Private Money 411 Cover: Randy Reiff, CEO of FirstKey Lending, LLC, introduces 30-year mortgage loans for portfolio borrowers. Below: Mingle with hundreds of active investors in Silicon Valley. Private Money411 will be hosting industry gatherings with a focus on technology and finance. For more information, see pages 5 and 6. A Special Edition by Realty411 Magazine Photo above: Leonard Rosen, CEO of Pitbull Conference pg. 8 Photo left: Wyatt Gilbert joins Applied Business Software pg. 16