Private Military Contractor International April 2014 | Page 6
manipulating the gas adjustment, the shooter will have to
guard against creating a situation that could result in muzzle
depression. Snipers, for concealment reasons, will most
often prefer the optional muzzle suppressor as opposed to a
muzzle brake. Recoil will still be significantly less than a bolt
action of the same caliber.
Gun techies might muse that a semi-auto is inherently a bad
design for snipers since the seating of the first round is often
ever so slightly different than the seating of the subsequent
rounds. This impacts accuracy. Consequently the first round
point of impact (POI) varies from following rounds that are
seated through the actioning of the gun. This is true and
that is a problem. But this is a problem that snipers routinely
already address in the course of correcting for a first shot
cold barrel.
Every good sniper knows
that his first round down
range in a cold barrel will
impact differently from
subsequent shots from a
warm barrel. According
to Clint all a sniper needs
to know is what he is already trained to know…
“What is the difference
in POI on my first round
from a cold barrel vs.
my POI from a warm
barrel?” The same
thing applies to a manually seated round
vs. an automatically
seated round. Clint
concludes, “They are really already trained to
accommodate this first
round variance.”
While I did not conduct extensive range testing, better shooters than I already
have and they have published their results. Their data with various loads substantiates the phenomenal accuracy of the OMEN. I have fired this weapon enough to
attest that recoil, muzzle rise, and weight balance meet or exceed NEMO’s claims.
In fact how do you spell s-w-e-e-t? I fired rapid three round bursts and can say
that this is the first and only 300 Win Mag that caused me to remark, “That was
NEMO is already in the process of collaborating with firms such as Proof Research
and Tracking Point. When I asked Clint if he thought the future was going in the
direction of so called “smart bullets” or “smart firing”, he said they were already
working closely with firms involved in those technologies. Clint remarked that he
could envision a future where Tracking Point’s precision guidance system and/or
Trijicon’s CCAS internal ballistics calculator will be incorporated into the OMEN.
Using Tracking Point, the shooter tags the target, the scope tracks and the trigger
fires when optimal conditions exist. Stay tuned for future articles on these types
of advanced technologies.
NEMO is strongly Research and Development focused and they are leaving no
stone unturned. As a clever sidebar, the very word “NEMO” is OMEN spelled
backwards. You have to really look into this firm to see and appreciate the dedication, craftsmanship, and flexibility. What will keep NEMO on the cutting edge of
technology is that they know what they don’t know and that makes them smart.
But with what they do know, they do a damn good job.
I think this is a pony worth riding.
Spec Sheet
NEMO RECON Carbine .300 Win Mag
PRAKTA .300 Win Mag
Spec Sheet
MATCH 2.0 .300 Win Mag AR
Spec Sheet
WATCHMAN .300 Win Mag AR
Spec Sheet
RECON .300 Win Mag Carbine
NEMO Contact Details
3582 Hwy 93 S
Montana 59901
Telephone: (406) 752-NEMO (6366)
Email: [email protected]