Private Military Contractor International April 2014 | Page 4
Intrigued by what he’d heard, Col. Gerry Schumacher (Ret.) paid
NEMO Arms a visit to get up close and personal with The OMEN
NEMO Arms in Kalispell, Montana is the manufacturer of an exciting new family of military rifles called the OMEN
Semi-Automatic Sniper System. Rumor on the street has it that they have been working closely with U.S. Joint Special Operations Command at Ft Bragg, North Carolina and on closer examination that should come as no surprise,
since NEMO has deep roots into the Spec Ops community. By way of example, one their co-founders is retired
Major General Paul Vallely, who has had several combat tours as a field commander and many years commanding
Special Warfare units.
The OMEN has piqued my curiosity for nearly a year now, but I needed to find out whether this was just another
also-ran weapon being marketed through a good ol’ boy network, or if the OMEN truly stands on its own merit. This
review is not intended to be techie, but rather to explore the merits of the idea that the OMEN weapons system is a
viable solution to an existing problem.
I met with Adyn Sonju, President and CEO at NEMO and their Vice President, Clint Walker. Both are co-founders of
NEMO Arms and, like the Special Operators they support, adhere to the creed of being Quiet Professionals. To that
end they are reticent to openly discuss their customer base or current deployment of the OMEN weapons systems,
however Clint was able to say “We are working with the majority of Tier One organizations.”
Since its introduction the OMEN has been garnering