Private Military Contractor International April 2014 | Page 17
vehicle in front of Wolf to offer some type of shielding. Then Jordan’s
vehicle gets pulverized with small arms fire and is disabled completely.
Jordan and Kedar leap from their vehicle and use it to shield themselves while returning fire.
Scott and Dustin are both firing out of their side windows towards the
front, bullets glancing off both side doors. As Dustin pulls his head back
into the car, his side view mirror is shot off. Without much discussion,
Scott and Dustin decide to make a run for cover. They both jump out,
but as Dustin vaults from the vehicle, he slips on the wet, muddy road,
and falls flat on his face. Dustin lifts his head out of the mud and turns
his face towards the shooters; he is shocked by what he thinks he
sees. Dustin Benson is looking at American military vehicles and the
boots of U.S. Army soldiers silhouetted by Humvee headl