Pristine Panorama Second Term 2019 | Page 99

TEDx PristinePrivateSchool

On 2nd July 2019, Pristine Private School hosted its annual TEDx@PristinePrivateSchool event for the 4th time. Every year, the event seems to get better and better and this year was definitely no exception! This year's theme was defined as The Bold Type, which featured a panel that involved dreamers discussing their viewpoints on what exactly does it mean to really be bold. People often perceive the ideology of being bold as someone who's fierce and conserved with just themselves but the panel this year truly brought about a change to that mentality by suggesting that those elements aren't the only things that are bold and there are many other different characteristics that would also show that a person is bold. For example, elements like courage and perseverance were brought to light by our alumni speaker Yahya Khan. It also brought to light the opposite of these bold people as Maryam Islam's talk on Toxicity in Asian Subcontinental culture showed how flawed the people could be and how the bold ones are truly the ones that have dealt with the misogyny. The external speakers, Ms. Anjaly Thomas, a travel writer connected to the audience with tales of her bold experiences inspiring them to follow their dreams. Mr. Vishal Menon, a young and successful entrepreneur highlighted the strengths that are to be found within the common man to capitalize and work on for a future that is built with passion and determination. Overall, Tedx@PristinePrivateSchool 2019 was definitely a memorable event leaving the audience with deep reflections over the enthralling pathways shown to them by the speakers.

‘The Bold Type’