Valentina Regollo:
Nickname: cogollo , vale Regalo, mariposita, vale, perrita, amiga, vale ql
Typical Phrase: estaba súper enferma por eso no vine ayer , tengo nauseas, me quedé dormida, wna que asco , quien me pasa la materia , teni un chicle (para el pucho) vamos a fumarnos un puchito? Quiero un cigarro, no fumo pall man,
Platonic Love: Castellón, nano
He never saw himself: fishing at the Mege, arriving early, being fat, not eating, in full uniform,
Useful gift: a bulletproof Nokia cell phone, an alarm clock, a personal driver, a micro,
Frustrated dream: getting fat, being a ballet dancer, living in the city that her mother takes her on trips.
Expected future: taking babies around the world.
Isidora Ulloa:
Apodos: isi , Ulloa, putisi, chica reality, choripene,
Typical Phrase: yaaaa, ahhhh, full, dubi osea joshi, toi cura, estoy enamorada, eeeella, donde está mi pololo, adivina que hice, naaa que gay, suffle a 200, hice caca, que son enfermos
Platonic Love: the dubi, the Matuschka, the Peter,
Frustrated dream: being YouTuber, dancing with the Peralta, being a skater, being low,
He never saw himself: without shitting at school, without the dubi, black, fat, girl, eating meat, without vomiting, without fucking cured, without paying TV,
Future expected, reality girl, nothing more than that.
Useful gift, pocket dubi, backup account if hacked, portable toilet.