Prisma Magazine Volumen 1 | Page 35

Valentina Lizama

Nickname: rulizama, vitutex, peluca, dc juguete, walen, lichana

Typical Phrase: me quiero ir, chao chicos, que onda, tesorooo, se tomaron mi agua, corazzon de pollito, son como el hoyo

Platonic love: martin, herself.

Expected Future: making cheese, saving animals, with many dachshund.

Never saw: eating meat, brushed, with a 7 in maths, without kissing with someone from the grade.

Useful gift: a boyfriend, a farm, a pocket joshi , an iron hair.

Frustrated dream: that nobody eat meat.

Andres molina

Nickname: android, molina molina molina, Andy, el futre, palito, el waton chicha,

Typical Phrase: buta cabrõs, estuvo bueno el cumpleaños, tomemos unas birras, su baltiloca, al hoyo con depa, solido nomas, cortando el queso, que te crei, cállate coni

Platonic Love: jechu, sofia, axa, viki, deniss, java

Expected future: viejo chicha, lying in the street drinking beer, drinking wine, being the grarra blanca’s leader, being psychologist

Never saw: with a 7, getting out from the reprobated chart, drinking water, fighting, wining in ping pong.

Useful gift: a coffe maker, infinite beer, Colo-Colo membership.

Frustrated dream: that comeback of miss Raquel, cut the cheese, be a futre, have an orchard