Prisma Magazine Volumen 1 | Page 30


Benjamín Mege

Nicknames: mege, gu, guaguito, bolas tristes, zorro, ayuwoki , mejejeje, mesias,

Typical Phrases: había una señora que era coja ( inserte voz de bastian paz),fofo muak muak, oye loco que onda, buta perro, yayaya (enojado), està bien esta bien esta bien .

Ap: la arlette, la thiare, la rabah, la vale regollo, las sofias, la vale zuñiga, la jechu, la Lizama, la isa, el mismo obvio.

Expected Future: in the Viña festival

Never saw: Sinning, without sing, on a stable relationship.

Useful Gift: cream, a mirror, an iphone 11, a girlfriend, a ticket for tomorrowland, a pocket bible

Frustrated dream: Covering zack effron

Constanza Gutiérrez

Nickname: mama osa, cállate coni, coni ql, Guti.

Typical phrase: cállate isi me teni chata, YAAAAA, naca,inepta , culicagada.

Platonic Love: Felipe, nicos, edu corvalan.

Expected future: Great mother, great professional

Useful gift: food, diapers, vacations, silver.

Frustrated dream: Having a lot of money