1979 Participation : 31 % Robert M . Baker William J . Bonenberger * ∞ Joseph A . Borzillo , Jr .* Brian M . Cosgrove * Glenn C . Davis Robert E . Duncan * CR Robert J . Dwyer Albert C . Everett John W . Harper David F . Hudome Art J . Lallo * CFC Samuel E . Lappen * James D . MacArthur Bruce A . McGeary John J . Murphy * Stephen J . Pajak Michael B . Pupek * Michael J . Schwartz * John R . Sell *
1980 Participation : 29 % William F . Campbell James T . Cockerill * Mark J . Coleman Joseph P . Dooley Harry E . Feinberg * Thomas J . Goeke Robert H . Keeler * Daniel A . Keithline , P . E .* Paul R . Kuhlman * CR Richard W . Lewis Frederick W . Minahan * CFC David J . Pasciolla * Brian K . Piersol * Thomas Pitoscia Earl Reichenback Gary L . Wedde Todd G . Williams *
1981 Participation : 28 % Jay Baldwin * Joseph M . Clawson * Matthew F . Coyle Richard C . Feaster * Daniel P . Flood Kevin P . Hopkins Thomas W . Jenkins * Mark M . Kijak Jeffrey W . Mac Arthur Walter J . Marchewski James E . Mitchell , Jr .* Robert Peron Stephen E . Tomchick * Michael A . Tursi *
1982 Participation : 18 % Michael W . Clement * Robert A . Cunningham Thomas M . Fasbinder Kenneth D . Hostler James F . Lennon Brian F . Maguire Jeffrey Maziarz John J . McCormick James J . Pasquinelli Christopher A . Schell * Jeffrey A . Speaker * William R . Ulsh *
1983 Participation : 18 % William W . Bley Blaine W . Fox Thomas S . Gale
Todd M . Laverty John A . Magee Paul G . Manera * Michael T . McKelvey * Brandon K . Shultz * Clifton S . Stevens David L . Stewart David M . Turtle
1984 Participation : 13 % William J . Algeo * Brian E . Buza Marc DeRita John E . Ginnane Stephen F . Kovach * George T . Leinhauser Lance J . Martin James F . Reid
1985 Participation : 30 % John A . Brown * Robert Carroll Albert R . Cortese Robert E . Dalto Nicholas J . Davey * David J . Diehl James F . Dolan Paul F . Doyle David C . Hammaker Eric A . Heuser * William M . Hovis Steven D . Knisely Charles N . May Wayne A . McWilliams Mark A . Moyer Ronald K . Rinker * CR Eric C . Schirk CFC Thomas G . Smith John F . Tornetta * Charles R . Walker *
1986 Participation : 11 % Joseph B . Funk Jeffrey S . Harpster Robert W . Hepler Deron A . Keiter * Jody W . Pfander * Patrick A . Robert
1987 Participation : 31 % Anonymous James A . Base * Michael J . Cerbus Michael Coakley Daniel C . Currie Joseph DiMarco James A . English Jeffrey A . Frank Joseph R . Grill * James R . Hipkins Augustine F . Kane Joseph M . Monteleone Harold C . Ney Toby L . Orwig * Michael A . Perakis * James D . Ruhl Steven R . Schmidt Gerald R . Shoemaker Anthony J . Sindoni Todd C . Troutman
1988 Participation : 23 % Joseph H . Blackburn * David M . Carvin *
Is your name on the Class Roll Call ? What about your classmates … or your shop mates ?
You still have time to be listed in the 2024 President ’ s Report by making your gift before June 30 . Every gift is a testament to your dedication and the collective strength of our alumni community .
You ’ ll also help your shop take a step closer to the title of 2023 – 2024 Alumni Top Shop and bragging rights through next year !
You can send your gift in the reply envelope enclosed , go online by scanning the QR code on the reply envelope , or go to www . williamson . edu / donate .
Your support empowers the tradesmen of tomorrow !
Your Support Is Transformational
Carlos Lugardo , a senior in the Carpentry Shop , is a firstgeneration college student . He moved to the U . S . from Puerto Rico with his family when he was 10 years old . His parents wanted him to have a better education , more opportunities and to be closer to family .
He taught himself English while writing papers and searching words on the internet . Following high school , he took a year off and worked at the Providence Center , a non-profit that provides educational programming to the Puerto Rican and Latino population .
A coworker mentioned Carlos should explore Williamson . He quickly realized that a career in the trades and the opportunity to attend this school would be life-changing for him . And it has . After a summer internship in his junior year , Carlos already has a solid job offer from a local company . When asked to sum up his experience at Williamson , Carlos says , “ Transformational ! It ’ s hard to believe it ’ s possible that you can change so much in three years . This College makes me proud of myself .”
You can read more about Carolos at : www . williamson . edu / giving / the-impact-of-giving
KEY : CFC = Class Fund Chair CR = Class Rep . †= deceased *= 10 consecutive years giving bold = Wanamaker Society Member ∞ = Legacy Society Member