Printed Post volume 16 | Page 21

5.00 am - 6.00 pm
Mother Nature tried more departments and got similar answers . No one had the time to take over total responsibility for all things natural on Earth . No one wanted to make time to give Mother Nature the break she so desperately needed .
Despondent , Mother Nature headed home .
“ What am I to do ?” she cried . “ The whole of Earth and now Naturalis seems to be against me . They won ’ t help . They just like to sneer and complain about the job I do .”
She made coffee in her tiny kitchenette and settled down with the Naturalis newspaper .
Position available for a 1 - 2 year period Pay rates and penalties do not apply Written applications to : - Mother Nature , C / - Naturalis Times Cave End Road , Naturalis
It was 3 months before Mother Nature received her one and only reply .
Continued next month .
Sitting in her favorite wing backed chair , reading the paper gave her an idea . She would advertise for someone to take over her job for a while .
She contacted the Naturalis Times and had an advertisement inserted in the next edition .
Position Vacant - Seasonal Worker Duties include :
Season rotation - Supervision of workers - Climate control
Preferred qualities : Excellent communication skills
Understanding of basic networking within departments
Willingness and ability to learn from own mistakes Good organisational and time keeping skills PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS ESSENTIAL
© 2008
No part of this story may be reproduced without permision from the author :
Susan Johnston 194 Lachlan St , Hay NSW 2711 02 6993 2016
Warning : Do not use information in the story for science exams without checking validity with your teacher .

Open 7 days

5.00 am - 6.00 pm

The little shop with the lot

250 LACHLAN STREET , HAY Ph : 6993 1291 Opposite the Hay Swimming Pool