Printed Post Issue 25 | Page 8

Video store closes it’s doors In the 1980’s, a pop group called the Buggles sang "Radio killed the video star”. In 2014 they could just as easily sing that technology has killed our video store. After 32 years, Hay's first video rental store has closed. At a time when interest rates were climbing to their all time high of 18%, and most of New South Wales was in the grip of a severe drought, Pat Fayle decided to risk everything and open a new business. "Video was the new entertainment," said Pat, "so I did some research, made an educated guess (between Beta or VHS) and went for it." Lucky for Pat at the time VHS was the right way to go. cost $100 to $125 each." Video players at the time cost around $800 and money in the area was tight because of the drought, but Pat found that her venture was popular and people were more than happy to rent a video for a couple of dollars rather than have to save up to buy them. Hay video store was soon making enough to hire staff. Pat started out at the back of the garage (Warren Fayle Motors), soon moving to the offices next door and then in boom times across the road to the front section of the old Hay Motors building. Embracing 21st century entertainment, Pat moved into DVD's and play station games about 4 years ago. As technology has marched on and modern computers, phones and game consoles can connect to the internet for movies and games, the old video store has become obsolete and has closed its doors. Pat told her husband Warren of her idea and he laughed and asked where she was going to get the money. "From the bank," Pat replied. The first meeting with the bank manager didn't go very well. "He laughed at me," Pat told the Printed Post. "The garage wasn't going too well and I wanted more money and he laughed." “I would have closed a long time ago,” says Pat, “but Bruce (Bruce Summers, Pat’s husband) has been a big help to me, which has kept the doors open this long.” Pat has been in bad health for five years with rheumatoid arthritis. Determined that her idea was good, Pat went home, wrote up a business plan and was successful second time 'round, in her bid to borrow money for her new business. "I started the business with 100 VHS tapes," said Pat, "They From $5 to $10 Pat and Bruce are having a clearance sale on 11th/12th April of all remaining stock. For Sale Old Hay Motors Building Entrance via Pollard St. 9am - 5pm Bruce and Pat: 0428 665 235 8