Mother Nature Story cont
of the others saying ‘Nino and Nina are prime examples of
what I have been talking about!’”
Upon her return to Naturalis, Nina went to the canteen.
She found Nino sitting alone at a table and joined him.
Nino smiled. The idea of being held up for praise in front of
the others did appeal to his vanity.
“You look like you could do with a friend,” she remarked.
“I guess we could, “ he conceded.
“Where is everyone?” Nino asked ignoring her statement.
“O.K let’s do it. We don’t have to tell anyone. I’ll send the
Nina told him about the fire, thinking it would probably give order down for my workers to start shifting. Let’s give them
him pleasure knowing there was trouble coming to the
all a surprise,” Nina clapped her hands and gave Nino a
division heads.
hug. He hugged her back.
“No one thought to ask me to help?” he sulked.
“It’s not that easy Nina” replied Nino sadly.
“Why would any one think to ask you? You wouldn’t have
helped any way,” she said, surprised at Nino’s reaction.
“Nino, if earth means so much to you, why are you still in
the southern hemisphere years after you should have
left?” Nina asked.
The day after the fire the ‘culprits of the desert disaster’
sat quietly as Cyan roamed around the office reprimanding
them over their fool hardy actions. He outlined what
Trebor, Flora and Fauna had told him. So angry he tripped
over his words, Cyan screamed and spat as he berated
the group. His meditation h Y