Printed Post issue 20 | Page 27

and the divisions and hence the weather in general.” “I have had a look at all of your files and I must say I am disappointed. Very disappointed in deed!” “What’s wrong with the job I do?” she thundered “It’s not as if anything I do causes damage.” “It’s not as if I can make thunder by myself,” she whispered under her breath. There were a few rumblings and every one looked at each Eus, Goddess of Storms, stood. other as if to say, “Must be you. Can’t be me. “ “Firstly I want to say that Nina and Nino, your behavior is the worst I have ever encountered in all my dealings with workers.” “Which isn’t much experience?” Clime whispered to Eus. “Don’t take it out on the young ones. They are inexperienced and still have a lot to learn about their new positions. Of course their moods affect the weather,” she said sticking up for the young division heads just as Cyan had anticipated she would. “Your rivalry,” continued Cyan as if he hadn’t heard Clime, Cyan stared at Eus until she resumed her seat. “has put Earth in a very precarious position. You do “You are right Eus,” Cyan raised one eyebrow as he realise Nino that half the southern hemisphere is in spoke. drought?” “Yeah,” answered Nino insolently, “So what?” Cyan shook his head sadly. He couldn’t believe that someone in Nino’s position couldn’t care less. “I should not be angry with this lot.” He swept his arm around the room indicating the young division heads. “I should be angry with you! Isn’t it part of your job to keep Nina and Nino here, in line?” he demanded, pointing to the twins. “Your contract is being redrawn as we speak. You and Nina will now work three monthly shifts on a rotating roster. When Nina is north you, Nino will be south. If Nina “Aren’t you supposed to be supervising the young division is south you will be north. You will move when you are told heads and teaching them to pull together? Aren‘t you supposed to teach them that the weather isn‘t an to. You argue...” instrument guided by their emotional states?” Nino argued. Cyan turned to the group, looking from one to the other as “You can’t change our contracts just like that. Our family he spoke. has been working this system since time began!” “I need all of you to pull your weight. We can’t afford to be “It’s not working now though, is it? We never had problems flighty, moody, angry or happy. For goodness sake! You with your parents or grand parents! Not like we have at can’t afford to let your emotions rule the weather,” Cyan present,” chimed Clime who had been quiet up until now. gave the twins a meaningful glare. “As I was saying,” continued Cyan. “You argue and I will “I have a plan but we will start small. You will all familiarize promote other workers to do your jobs. If you don’t yourselves with some history on Australian weather and accept the new contracts I will promote others to your we will make changes slowly. We will fix the weather position and banish you to Kingdom Come.” problems down there first. I will be demanding you take “Kingdom! Noooo! I’ve been trying to do my share. It’s his charge of your departments and divisions; control your fault! He should be sent to Kingdom,” Nina whined. weather workers. If this doesn’t happen I will cut the divisions and the departments and jobs will be lost. Has (Kingdom Come is a place with no weather. It is neither everyone got that?” hot nor cold. There is no wind, no rain, no sunshine, no dark, no light, no nothing. It exists in a perpetual state of Every one nodded in acknowledgement. grey. It is a barren wasteland of grey. Nina had a right to Cyan adjourned the meeting. be upset.) “Let them go back to their offices and think about what I’ve “Kingdom Come is better than you to deserve. Your effect just said,” he thought to himself. on the weather patterns on Earth are of paramount importance. If you don’t start working together, Earth will end up just like Kingdom Come.” ©2008 Cyan slammed the desk with his fist, glaring at Nino as he did. Susan Johnston Ellechim giggled. She loved it that the twins were in trouble. 02 6993 2016 194 Lachlan St, Hay NSW 2711 Warning: Do not use information in the story for science exams without checking validity with your teacher. Cyan turned to her angrily. “What have you got to snigger about Ellechim? You think you do a good job?” Continued next month 27