Darts can be a contrary
game. South Hay
Slappers team member
Ryan Gash received a
trophy for highest score
–174 and a wooden
spoon for scoring
Wooden spoons all ‘round for the Crown Ladies: Nerissa
Stevens, Talita Stevens, Dee Ashcroft, Julie Lawson.
Aileen Honeyman, Di Butler and Dot Pittman, until the
most improved team was announced.
Dot Pittman—Highest Peg Out.
180 is the highest score to get in darts
and requires a player to hit triple
twenty, three times. Damian Crocker
and Allan Eason received 180 badges
at the Presentation night.
Wayne Burns, Life Member, travelled from
Melbourne for the presentations and
presented trophies for ’Highest Scores’ to
Julie Crocker and Ricky Dickson
Margret Dickson and Julie Crocker wooden spoons for most low scores.
Can Assist catered the presentation night with help from Happy Wanderers, who
cooked the meats to go with salads. Kym Wooding thanked the darts association for
their donation saying “the donation goes a long way to assist cancer local patients.”
Host of the Year award was accepted
by Ray Weymouth on behalf of the
Riverina Hotel