Printed Post issue 19 | Page 35

Flower Power The boy in the photo was smiling and twin dimples showed below his eyes and beside his mouth. His dark blonde hair matched the colour of a storm cloud just as the sun peaks through. Blue eyes looked straight down the barrel of the camera lens. His strong jaw was covered in a fine fuzz of facial hair. He looked very, very young. Find a Word Cyan’s note - Seems rain and cloud don’t need two leaders. Consider merging divisions. Eyes watering and head thumping, Cyan stretched in his chair. What a mess! Department heads with no idea, division heads who were overly emotional. How was he going to pull them all together? He flipped the next set of folders open and scanned their contents. More departments and sub-divisions within the weather department. Too many divisions and sub -divisions. Too many department heads. The whole system was unworkable. Note to self - Cut some heads and merge some divisions. Outside, night had fallen and Cyan realised he hadn’t eaten al ?F???R6??VB?VFR??F?R??FW&6???@?6?VB?W"F?vWB???6?Gv?6?g&??F?R6fWFW&???BF?V?6??R??F?6VR????2?gFW'F??Vv?B?P?FFVB??( ??R&WGFW"v&"??W'6V?b6??WF???rF???vR?fR???BF?F??( ??5DU ???$4??@???VFRV&VB6??'F?gFW"v?F?F?R6?Gv?6?W0??B?W"?&?GV?V??BW"?2F?W?FR7????WF??VB??2?????T???5???%TDD?T???T????Rv?V?B6???VWF??r?b??F?RFW'F?V?B?VG2??F?f?6????VG2?????B??????Rv?FVBF?P??VWF??r26???2?76?&?R??VFR??f?&?VB???F?BWfW'???Rv2??'&V?gFW"F?R6V6???6??vR?5$?5U0??UET????D??????????D?5???????dU$?0??D?dU@??e$TU4???$?4P??( ?????( ?6?B7???( ?F?F??2GVW6F???v?BF??0??VWF??rF?&R?V?B?W?B???F??F?B6??V?Bv?fP?WfW'???R6??6RF?6WGF?R??F?v?&???FR?( ??eU44????4tP???$?0??5D?4????RF?7FFVB6??'B??FRF?V6?FW'F?V?B??f?F??p?F?V?F?F?R?VWF??r?B?VFR&WGW&?VBF??W"?v???ff?6RF?G?RWF?R?V????e???DT4T???????D???P???U??d???U@??????p??t??E%Td`????@?????????( ?Bv???&RfWrF?2&Vf?&RWfW'???R?2&6????&?&B?( ?6?R6??6?VFVB?*?#??7W6?????7F????B?6???7B????5r#s?"c??2#`?v&???s?F???BW6R??f?&?F?????F?R7F?'?f? ?66?V?6RW??2v?F??WB6?V6???rf?F?G?v?F???W ?FV6?W"??6??F??VVB?W?B???F??3P???