Printed Post issue 18 | Page 12

September Relay For Life walk cancelled for 2013 The Relay For Life, scheduled for September, has been cancelled for 2013. The Cancer Council and Hay Relay For Life Committee announced on 14th August that the decision had been made after feedback from the community about the tough challenges in the Hay area at present. The Cancer Council and local Committee made the sad decision that it is “simply not the right time to be hosting a Relay For Life.” Annabel Macdonald, Community Relations Coordinator at the Cancer Council’s Western Regional office said, “We are very sad to announce that the Hay Relay For Life will not be taking place this year but we would like to thank all our supporters and local community members who have so generously donated their time and efforts into the preparation of this event.” “The Hay community is extremely important to Cancer Council and (we) will be continuing to provide the Hay community with the support services they need. We will also be continuing to role out education programs and services in the coming months”, said Ms Macdonald. From Hay Relay team ‘Circle of Friends’ facebook page: A NOTE TO THOSE WHO HAVE REGISTERED & TO THOSE WHO WERE WANTING TO RELAY in 2013! “It was the hardest decision for our Committee,(to cancel the 2013 Relay For life) but with registration numbers so low we were unable to justify the costs involved in running Relay 2013”, says the latest Circle of Friends Facebook post. “ We only had 64 registered walkers at the time we made the decision (to cancel) & though many wonderful people had said they were going to walk we were been unable to continue planning without firm numbers.” “WE as a COMMITTEE are committed to continue as a dedicated group of Fundraising Friends for CC (Cancer Council) NSW 365 days/year, under our team name "Circle Of Friends". If you are interested in being part of the fundraising quest for a Cancer Free Future thanks and help fund the all important Research, you can contact Circle of Friend via their Facebook page: Circle of Friends – Raising Research Funds for a Cancer FREE Future or type Relay for Life Hay and the ‘Friends’ tab will show up under that. Circle of Friends would still like to do something on the 21st at the oval to Celebrate, Remember & Fightback. They hope to have some answers from Cancer Council NSW head office shortly as to whether this is still possible. The post on their Facebook page ends with, “BUT a huge THANK YOU is to be given to you & your friends that wanted to be part of this wonderful event. 2013 is not happening but we hope that Relay will be back in Hay some time in the future.” Any funds raised so far by teams in the Relay For Life fundraiser will be sent to the Cancer Council. Super Mario, Super Heroes, Super fundraisers, Super fun. The Variety Bash raises funds for disadvantaged and special needs children. Throughout the Bash participants visit local towns, dropping into schools to visit kids. The Bash was originated by businessman, explorer and philanthropist Dick Smith in June 1985. 12