Printed Post issue 17 | Page 6

Checking the nutritional information on the back of food packaging .
Liz Matthews ( Healthy Hay ) and Jaclyn Lister from Griffith , took the tour through fruit and vegetables , deli products and the dairy cabinet at IGA before heading down the aisles of biscuit and ready prepared sauces .
Much to the relief of young Emerson Hedt his favourite cookie they can still be eaten as a sometimes food .

Healthy Choices

Shopping for healthy foods can be a nightmare of labels claiming all sorts of low fat , no added sugar , low salt labels . A recent shopping tour , held at IGA , helped a small group of women , and a young man , to decipher the claims made by product manufacturers .
Murrumbidgee Medicare Local ( MML ) and Healthy Hay conducted the tour . Each participant received a card ( see left ) which shows acceptable levels of fat , sugar , fibre and salt in food .
A 100g block of chocolate is four servings ( not one ) - high fat , sugar and sodium levels push this ‘ food ’ into the ‘ only sometimes ’ category . Sorry ladies !

Save Power Save Time

course of two hours , chicken , vegetables and rice were cooked as well as a fruit baked custard dessert and rocky road .
Do you use your microwave to : A : defrost B : reheat C : soften the occasional mars bar so it is all nice and gooey D : Actually cook
If you answered A , B or C or any combination of , then read on . If you answered D – well done .
Terri-Anne Palmer from the Hay Hub hosted a microwave cooking demonstration recently . Over the
Taking at least a third of the time of gas / electric cooking , micro waving can save time and power . A size 18 chicken took 36 minutes to cook and was tender and moist . To create a crust on the chicken , which was cooked in an oven bag , Terri-Anne placed a packet of French onion soup in the bag with the chicken , rubbed
the soup over the skin and then cooked it in the microwave .
All present enjoyed a taste test after the demonstration and the general opinion was that all would start using their microwaves more often .
Vegetables can easily be micro waved together . Hard vegetables , like potato , placed around the outside of a plate , then a round of medium vegetables and soft vegetables in the middle . Place microwave safe cling wrap loosely on top . A small plate takes 3 mins .