Follow your dreams
Early detection saves lives
After landing safely Malcolm was asked if he would do it again . “ Yes !” was his emphatic reply . “ I thought it would be hard to jump but it wasn ’ t ,” he said , “ It wasn ' t even cold up there .”
Follow your dreams
Seventy six year old Malcolm Graeme , jumped from a perfectly good plane in order to follow a dream .
When skydive Oz visited Hay recently , Malcolm decided it was time to realise one of his dreams .
“ I have wanted to do it for a long time ,’ says Malcolm , “ I want to go hot air ballooning in Mildura too .”
A wave from up high .
From the gates of Shear Outback , along the Sturt Highway , curving into Archer Street .
Early detection saves lives
Another Cycleway Section Completed
The cycleway to Shear Outback has been completed . Visitors and locals can ride their bikes in comfort and safety all the way from Lachlan Street to the Shearers Hall of Fame . A small section in Brunker Street is expected to be completed in the near future joining the cycleway on the levy bank to the footpath section in Brunker Street .
An application for grant funds of $ 180,000 has been lodged , and it is hoped Hay will be successful . This grant is one of few that council does not have to match dollar for dollar if successful and will complete the Bushy Bend to Sandy Point Trail along the river bank .
Breast Screen NSW visited Hay in June . After encouragement from Jean Woods ( Primary Health Care Nurse / Aboriginal Chronic Care Co-ordinator ) at a recent Ladies Health night , ladies
Along Archer Street and into and Lang Street to the bridge .
kept the Screen van busy during it ’ s visit . Breast cancer is treatable if caught early . Hopefully all results will be negative . The breast Screen Van attends Hay every two years .