Happy Birthday Molly
A big day for a little girl
02 6993 1130 For your orders
From my Desk
I had the privilege of attending a birthday party with a difference on 30th June . Kathryn Miller , owner of the Maude store , turned forty and celebrated with a time warp to the Wild , Wild West of the 1870 ’ s . Pictures on pages 8 and 9 .
Relay for Life team Circle of Friends have been busy raising funds for the Cancer Council . A tennis day was held on 3rd June with a good roll up of eager young players . Relay for Life raises much needed funds for research into the causes and cures for cancer . We want a cure not a bandaid , so keep an eye out for various fundraisers around town before the main event in September .
“ Follow your dreams ” is the message from Malcolm Graeme . The seventy six year old took advantage of the opportunity when Skydive Oz visited Hay , to follow one of his . Next on the agenda for the septuagenarian is hot air ballooning . Malcolm you are an inspiration to us all . Age should not be a barrier to enjoying life .
Catch you ‘ round the town , Sue
Happy Birthday Molly
Molly Lucas celebrated her 86th birthday with family and friends at the Hay Bowling and Golf Club . After dinner and cake Molly joined Steve Sharp for a song or two .
A big day for a little girl
Contact Printed Post : 02 6993 2016 or 0437 044 930 printedpost @ bigpond . com 194 Lachlan Street
Proud parents Robert and Sylvia Warr celebrated with family and friends at the Hay Services Club on Sunday 30th June , after a christening ceremony for three month old daughter , Ann .
at Robbo ’ s
“ We ’ ve got it all .”
Bread , Rolls , Sandwiches , Pies , Pasties , Pizza , Sausage Rolls , Cake , Coffee , Cold Drinks , and more
02 6993 1130 For your orders
Robertson ’ s Hot Bread Kitchen
Mob : 0429 931 922 www . robertsonshotbread . com . au