School of the Air students , Scouts , SES members and our Local Police , proudly donned their uniforms and marched in remembrance of the ANZACS
The erection of a Memorial to the Light Horse Brigades of the Riverina has moved a step closer . Thanks to the sterling efforts of a small committee and the public who , in their generosity , have enabled the committee to raise $ 12,000 thus far .
The monument will be built in memory of those who enlisted and were involved in major campaigns such as Gallipoli ( 1915 ) and the charge of Beersheba ( 27 th to 31st October 1917 ): both campaigns suffering tremendous loss of life .
It is anticipated that the Memorial will be built in time for the 100 year commemoration of the Charge of Beersheba which will be celebrated on 31 st October 2017 ; honouring the gallantry of the many soldiers who took part , in what was to be , a successful campaign to retake the Wells of Beersheba .
Hay Light Horse War Memorial
The Hay Light Horse War Memorial Association has now concluded their raffle of Chris McClelland ’ s donated drawing , “ Those Marvellous Bloody Horses ”, depicting the charge of Beersheba , 1917 .
The winner Clive Davenport , Hay , was thrilled to be the recipient of this wonderful prize , valued at around $ 7,000 . The raffle was drawn in front of a large crowd at the Services Club , all of whom were thanked for their participation in the raffles and the giving of donations . Thanks were also extended by the Light Horse War Memorial Secretary , Patricia Boyd , to various business houses , the Association ’ s President , Jim Cooper , whose initiative it was to build the Memorial , and to the remaining Committee for their sterling efforts .
Two other raffles are in progress , and a further “ big one ” is in the “ pipe line ”. It is anticipated enough funds will be raised , with the goal of $ 150,000 now becoming a possibility within the time constraints , between now and October 2017 .
Meetings are held regularly at the Services Club each month for anyone wishing to participate . Ideas of other fund raisers would be appreciated . Names of Light Horsemen and copies of memorabilia are being gathered towards creating the Interpretative Panels that will surround the Memorial . As time progresses government assistance will be sought to bring this wonderful project to fruition .
Proposed Light Horse Memorial
Lighthorse photos courtesy M . McClelland . Information P . Boyd , Sec