Printed Post issue 15 | Page 23

Trivia Quiz
Fun facts ( unproven by science or statistics ):

Giggle and Grin

Trivia Quiz

1 . What is the chemical symbol for lead ?
2 . What planet is known as the red planet ?
3 . Which car manufacturer made the FJ ?
4 . What is the country code for Australia for international phone calls ?
5 . Who directed ' Braveheart ' ?
6 . Who was Australia ' s first Prime Minister ?
7 . Name 2 other NSW towns besides Wagga Wagga that are signposted WW ?
8 . What is the name of the mine that produces approx . one third of the world ' s diamonds ?
9 . Who wrote ' The Origin of the Species ' ?
10 . What does a palaeontologist study ?
What ' s the difference between roast beef and pea soup ? Anyone can roast beef .

A day without sun shine is like ...


What do you call a bull taking a nap ? A bulldozer .
What do you get from a pampered cow ? Spoiled milk .
How do you count a herd of cows ? With a cow-culator .
Where do cows go on dates ? To the moo-vies .

Fun facts ( unproven by science or statistics ):

1 . You are more likely to be killed by a champagne cork than by a poisonous spider .
2 . If you yelled for 8 years , 7 months and 6 days you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee .
3 . Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump .
4 . The fact that the word " stressed " is " desserts " spelled backwards explains our attraction to sweets in times of duress .