Print Works! Print Works! Fall 2015 | Page 10

Works! Style and Substance By Scott W. Angus Cambria’s award-winning magazine connects with readers on many levels. L ouAnn Haaf thinks print has a bright future. But not just any print. “Print is not going anywhere,” said Haaf, editor in chief of the award-winning Cambria Style magazine. “The amount of digital noise has reset and elevated the print industry for those who are commit- ted to creating really quality publications like Cambria Style.” Cambria Style is a beautifully de- signed and carefully curated magazine that mixes understated product place- ments with a lively mix of lifestyle con- tent, ranging from design and decorating to celebrity profiles to food and drink. The magazine is the perfect comple- ment and marketing vehicle for Cambria, one of the world’s top makers of quartz countertops. “It’s a way for us to encapsulate the Cambria experience into something that is tangible and shareable, and it expresses how we feel about our brand, which is premium from start to finish,” Haaf said. “From the photography to the editorial to the paper, there really is no 10