Print Rate Card | Page 12

DOOR HANGERS Do you need to introduce yourself to prospective customers? Or perhaps you want to let your current customers know that you have a special deal, or just stopped by to say hi. PR OPAN E Whether you're saying ”hello,” or ”sorry we missed you,” a door hanger will be the first thing they see when they get home. FU EL If you don't see what you are looking for, contact a sales representative for additional options. Area’s Lea ding Energy Source FIRST FILL SPRICrce E E rgy Sou di Ene ding L __ Lea ’$_ Area’s A ______ per __ gallon* ______ __tank with free (Does not include inst tubing, ttings allation & Design is not included in these prices. #2 Diesel Expires: _____ ______ ________________ m __ *Certain exclusi Premiu regulators.) Offer ons apply. Prices subjec upon the market ____ _____t to change depend . 250_____ gallon ing s: _____ Must presen Offer Expire t this door hanger minimum ll required. to driver at time depending subject to change of delivery. ons apply. Prices minimum ll required. *Certain exclusi . 300 gallon of delivery. upon the market hanger to driver at time door this t Must presen 3.5”x8.5” PRINTED ON 80# COATED TWO-SIDE COVER (with or w/o bleed) co 229 Cell: (952) 412-9 489 Fax: (952) 442-4 www Price per piece Up to 100 101-250 251-500 501-750 751-1000 1001+ $0.26 $0.20 $0.16 quote Black & White, one-sided printing $0.58 $0.46 Black & White, two-sided printing $0.60 $0.48 $0.28 $0.22 $0.18 quote Color, one-sided printing $0.61 $0.49 $0.29 $0.23 $0.19 quote Color one side, black & white the other $0.62 $0.50 $0.30 $0.24 $0.20 quote Color, two-sided printing $0.64 $0.52 $0.32 $0.26 $0.22 quote or local/me Fuel Oil r Furnace Repai 801 South Highway Waconia, MN 284 55387 ay 284 Highw www.wa Perforate the bottom two inches for $0.02/piece more for a tear-off business card. 17 1-800-245-77 -2561 tro (320) 543 Jacob Hinderm Bruce ann Energy Sales Rhode Cell: (612) 616-5 Fax: (952) 442-4 469 489 jacobh@waco South n i a f 801 MN 55387 a r Waco m .nia, com om afarm.c .waconi Seamle ss Gutte r Sal le! ss Gutter Sae! Seamle% 15 OF F 15% O F Any Se amless Gutter System System ss Gutter Any Seamle 4.25”x11” PRINTED ON 80# COVER (bleed not available) Grand Designer Price per piece Up to 100 101-250 251-500 501-750 751-1000 1001+ Black & White, one-sided printing $0.56 $0.45 $0.27 $0.20 $0.18 quote Black & White, two-sided printing $0.58 $0.47 $0.29 $0.22 $0.20 quote Color, one-sided printing $0.59 $0.48 $0.30 $0.23 $0.21 quote Color one side, black & white the other $0.61 $0.50 $0.32 $0.25 $0.23 quote Color, two-sided printing $0.65 $0.54 $0.36 $0.29 $0.27 quote Series Fascia Gutt EE 763.231 Price Quotea !FREE Price Quote! .7Call For gutterh elmetm 002 PERSONALIZED CALENDARS Create a personalized, full-color 12-month calendar to share with family and friends. For our 12-month 11”x17” to 13”x19” laminated poster calendar, choose one of our standard layouts and bring in your favorite picture to place on the calendar. For our 28-page 8.5”x11” calendar, choose 13 photos from your collection, one for the cover, and one for each month of the year. Pictures can either be digital (jpegs or tiffs) or developed photos. You can submit a photo printed on your printer at home, but quality will suffer. 8.5”x11” PERSONALIZED CALENDAR 8.5”x11” calendars are 26 pages, spiral bound in the middle for easy paging, 80 lb. coated cover, 70 lb. offset pages, with a hole in the top-center to hang on a wall. Price includes scanning (or downloading) and placing 13 pictures, some minor color correction, the placement of meaningful days (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.), and printing. Per piece price 12 Royal Profile $26.00 | [email protected] rtment Police Depa The Orono residence on the date n(s): to your responded for the following reaso listed below Time: Seamle ss Gut ters from ers Handle 35% Mo Multip re Water le Style Than Typ Option Profess ical Gut s Enhanc ionally ters Tra e Curb 5 Year Appeal Leak, 35 ined Emplo yee Year Ma terial Wa Installers Call For rranty a FR 3.231.7002 gut Date: Officer: The Orono Case Number: Poli your residen ce Departm Alarment respond ce/b ed to had difficult usiness on Barking Dog y house num locating the residen , and bers were ce as the not easi Please take the timeComments: ly identifiable. to ensure business your hou numbers se or are clearly the emergen visib le so cy vehicle can find you that Thank you for your prom quickly. attention pt to this mat ter. The Or ono Po lice Open Door Other Departm m has been deemed ent This alar a false alar m. rtment lice Depa Orono Po 249-4700 (952)