On the Move
Paul Gaudet [email protected]
Welcome to Winter 2018. Even
if you might not relish the
thought of ice, snow and cold,
there is no way to avoid it
(short of going south) and
your winter life will be so
much better if you learn to
embrace it and not let it get
you down.
Here are a few locations,
ideas, suggestions and
activities you can consider
to keep “On the Move”.
Moncton Indoor walking –
Crossman Community Centre /
Kay Arena, Moncton Coliseum
Dwayne Muir
[email protected]
Servicing your Real
Estate needs in the
Alma and entire Albert
County Region
[email protected]
PrimeTime WINTER/HIVER 2018
and the Sports Dome. Outdoor
walking – trails are cleared
for winter walking. Ski and
to the Dobson Trail from
Winter Wonderland Park, one
can hike or snowshoe into the
Dobson. Many folks 50+ enjoy
a good old-fashioned
toboggan ride down
the massive sliding
hill located at the park.
Winter Wonderland
Park is also home to
many of the Riverview
Winter Carnival events,
sleigh rides,
Friars Nose
crokicurl, marshmallow
Near Poley Mountai
roasting, fireworks and
live entertainment. The
Snowshoe rentals –
2019 Riverview Winter
Centennial Park and Mapleton
Carnival is happening from
park. Ski trails groomed at
February 1 – 10, and will also
Centennial Park… Outdoor
include many senior- friendly
skating – Ian Fowler Oval,
events. The annual Mayor’s
Victoria Park, Centennial Park
Luncheon, which honours
and Mapleton Park. An Indoor
Riverview residents age 60+
skating schedule and list of
will take place during the
Senior activities at both the
Winter Carnival. This is the
Moncton Lions Community
event where the Mayor, council
Centre and Crossman
and town staff serve up a
Community Centre / Kay Arena delicious (free) meal as a thank
- can be found at websites listed you to community seniors. A
below. https://www.moncton.
full schedule of Winter Carnival
ca/publicskating https://
events will be available in
monctonlionscommunitycentre. January.
Dieppe You will find cross-
country skiing and snowshoeing
Starting in January – Primetime in St. Anselme Park. If you
Aqua fitness at the YMCA for
want to be less active outdoors
non-members - $2…. The
then there is a games center,
winter newsletter will be going 50+aerobics classes, line
to all the residents at the
dancing, yoga, 50+aqua bath
end of November.
and many other activities that
you can find out about later
Riverview There is lots to do
this month by going on their
in Riverview during the winter
months. There is the Winter
Wonderland Park, skating on
Alma There are indoor senior
the oval, and with the linkage
activities at the rink and the