On the Move
Paul Gaudet [email protected]
Maritimers appreciate summers like
no one else so now that it has arrived,
let me suggest a few places where
you can exercise your body and relax
your mind.
Long walks on the beach are very
popular and I will recommend
two options for you to consider
this season.
N.S., Cape Chignecto and Isle Haute,
not to mention down the N.B. coast
towards Fundy National Park and
Cape Enrage. As you walk (go before
low tide to give yourself time) on the
vast flats out to the waters’ edge you
will see the red rocks of “Red Head”
in the distance.
As you approach Red Head
you will see the red sandstone
cliffs glistening in the late day
sun and be amazed at their
shapes and textures. Next you
will see remnants of an
old wharf and then the
semi-circular Waterside
Beach, where, if you
are lucky, the frothy
Alma Bay
surf will be pounding
ashore in a huge arc.
If you were sweltering
inland the beginning of this
Dennis Beach and its
hike, the cooler breeze out by
adjacent partner Waterside Beach
the Bay will be refreshing.
are located off route 915 in Albert
County. Personally, I enjoy starting
The entire return trip, if you
at Dennis Beach and walking to
go to the far end of Waterside,
Waterside Beach and back. There is
will take you less than two hours,
a waterfall at the far end of Dennis
not including any lollygagging
Beach that should not be missed.
that you must surely do. Both
Dennis and Waterside beaches have
You will immediately notice the great juicy contours, capes, rocky cliffs,
views from Dennis Beach as you
waterfalls, inlets, shapely smooth
look across Chignecto Bay towards
rocks and pebbles galore.
PrimeTime SUMMER/ÉTÉ 2019
Route 114, Hopewell Cape
Albert County/Comté d’Albert
The second beach excursion has
huge sand dunes, marram grass and
wide-open ocean views where you
can look out into infinity, get lost
with the feeling of being small and
insignificant and maybe even get a
taste of existential angst.
You can find these beaches all over
the place, but one of my favourites
is on the North shore of P.E.I. at
Greenwich, not far from the village
of St. Peter’s Bay. It is an adjunct to
the P.E.I. National Park and has a rare
type of parabolic sand dune and is
Denis Beach NB
home to a few endangered Piping
Plovers who nest there in the summer.
When you look out in to the Gulf
of St. Lawrence as you stroll down
this beach, with the pounding surf
on one side and huge dunes on the
other, you get this marvellous sense
of isolation as you make your way
down the strip of beige sand. It is a
place that demands introspection,
perhaps more so than the other
beaches I’ve mentioned.
All these places have their unique
charms; it does not matter which
you prefer as long as you get out
to any beach and move. Your
limbs will be limbered, your heart
rate raised and perhaps most
importantly, your spirit will soar. It
is summer… make the most of it.