PrimeTime Magazine PrimeTime Spring 2019 | Page 29

la méditation d’ailleurs, de porter toute son attention sur ce que l’on fait à un moment donné, de canaliser ses pensées sur l’instant présent plutôt que sur l’avant et l’après. « C’est se donner la permission et prendre le temps de vivre une expérience agréable pendant ses rapports sexuels, de les vivre à fond », explique la psychothérapeute en relations et en psychosexualité, Kate Moyle. Plus nous vivons dans le moment présent, pleinement conscients de notre corps et de la signification du moment, plus nous pouvons percevoir nos désirs et nos émotions et ceux de notre partenaire. Lorsque nous nous détendons et prenons le temps de savourer l’intimité sexuelle, nous favorisons l’approfondissement de notre relation avec notre partenaire. w there access to le pilote Lorsque is nous easy choisissons de désactiver automatique qui dirige notre vie, nous favorisons mental health services le développement de notre conscience de soi et le Ressources grace-a-la-pleine-conscience-sans-blague/ conscience/actualite/721 Articles-et-Dossiers/Liberer-sa-sensualite/Le-slow-sex- jouir-en-conscience php?article112 Now Now there there is easy is easy access access to t mental mental health health services service therapies-breves/la-pleine-conscience-ou-equilibre- sexuel-retrouve-un-renouveau-dans-la-prise-en-charge- sexothera synchronisation-du-corps-et-de-l-esprit,1250125.asp resserrement des liens que nous entretenons avec nos êtres chers. Now there is easy access to mental health services Get the support you require Get the Get support the support you from require you certified require from professionals from certified certified to needs your need professionals professionals matched matched to your to matched specific your specific specific needs No Book wait times: your initial Book assessment your initial within assessment with SAGE Solutions SAGE Inc Solutions offers you Inc timely offers and you timely and No wait times: 5 business days. 5 business For critical days. situations, For critical obtain situations, obtain access affordable to counselling, access to psychology, counselling, psychology, u require from certified affordable services 24 hours within — often 24 hours on the — often same on day. the same day mediation, and mediation, workplace and wellness workplace services. wellness services. services within SAGE Solutions Inc offers you Convenient and Convenient accommodating: and accommodating: Choose the Choose the Personalized: Personalized: Receive a free Receive telephone a free based telephone based ed to your specific needs most way convenient to access way our to services. access our services. needs assessment needs to assessment match you to with match the you with the most convenient timely and affordable access Whether it be Whether in-person, it be telephone, in-person, or telephone, via our or via our appropriate mental appropriate health mental specialist. health specialist. No wait times: Book your initial assessment within to counselling, psychology, exclusive SAGEnow exclusive video SAGEnow counselling, video we counselling, can we can 5 business days. For critical situations, obtain Certified professionals: Certified professionals: Talk to only properly Talk to only properly accommodate accommodate your specific your needs. specific needs. services within 24 hours — often on the same credentialed, day. mediation, and workplace credentialed, highly experienced, highly experienced, and registered and registered Masters and Masters PhD level and professionals. PhD level professionals. Convenient and accommodating: Choose the wellness services. Your leader Your for leader fo most convenient way to access our services. Affordable: Learn Affordable: quickly Learn if fees quickly may be reimbursed if fees may be reimbursed easy, secure, easy, secure, Whether it be in-person, telephone, or via our by your health by insurance your health plan, insurance covered plan, by your covered by your and convenient and convenien exclusive SAGEnow video counselling, we can employee assistance counselling video counsell • [email protected] • info@ video employee program, assistance or other program, third or parties. other third parties. accommodate your specific needs. d ursed arties. • [email protected] Schedule your Your leader for easy, secure, and convenient video counselling Schedule Schedule your your confidential consultation confidential consultation today toda • 1-800-390-3258 • 1-800-390-3258 • [email protected] • info@sagei SPRING/PRINTEMPS 2019 PrimeTime 29