{the schengen crisis}
The European Union committee started with strong
discussions arguing about the Schengen area. With Juan
Pablo Sandoval and Alejandra Narvaez as presidents, and
Anglo American School, San Carlos School, KSI and Victoria
School as guests the debate started moving.
Ever since the reading of the opening speeches started,
many delegations showed their concern about the presence
of Ukraine in the committee and the possibility of itself
joining the Schengen treaty. Delegations, such as France,
UK, Greece and Sweden were strongly against the fact of
Ukraine being part of the Schengen area, always pointing
out its unsolved internal problems that would affect the
Schengen treaty by including Ukraine. The delegation
already named, with Germany and Russia holding its back,
defended itself by making clear that they would be a huge
economical help for the treatment because of its
agriculture, but countries against kept on attacking
contemptuously with comments like the European Union
and Schengen treaty already have enough problems to add
another one, and stated that the Schengen area has been
working fine without Ukraine, so there is no reason to
include it (Greece), for example, or the moment where
Sweden, with a touch of irony, pointed out some qualities
about Ukraine, and then despised them by saying that the
UE already has them and don’t need them by Ukraine.
After recess time, the discussion finally moved on, where
economic and immigrant topics came on. The floor was
opened to a gentle conversation, where the delegations
mildly exposed their points of view. It kept on until an
unexpected intervention of Sweden, where the delegation
declared that its highly developed economy was being
affected by the deplorable participation of Greece.
Consequently, the delegation of Sweden proposed as a
solution the dissolve of the Schengen area. After the clear
disapproval of the floor, the delegate of Sweden restated its
intervention and asked for solutions for the crisis. Debate
kept on, and some delegates proposed the revaluation the
treaty, some delegates blamed the problem on Europe, by
calling them neo-Nazis, saying that the problem is in the
hate of Europe in general toward the immigrants. At this
point, the debate was all a mixture of economy, area, and
immigrate topics, until the delegate of Russia proposed
three different debates, one for each topic. After lobby time,
the honorable chair established these different debates,
which are taking place right now.