Primary School Prospectus 2023 | Page 6

How to apply

Sibling claim : If your child has a sibling ( brother or sister ) attending the school you are applying to you must enter their name and date of birth on the form to be considered for sibling criteria ( If there is more than one sibling attending the school please give details of the youngest child , not in the nursery ). Siblings are generally defined for the purpose of school admission in Ealing as all blood , half , foster , step and adoptive brothers and sisters ( not cousins ), living at the same address on a permanent basis or for the majority of time in any calendar year .
Medical / Social claim : Exceptional medical / social circumstances will not be considered for Ealing community primary schools as this no longer forms part of the over-subscription criteria . Please see the admission criteria for the other school ( s ) you are applying to for details on exceptional medical / social criteria and supporting documents required . Please note that supporting documents should be sent directly to the school concerned .
Looked after / previously looked after claim : If you are completing your application for a child that is currently in the care of a local authority please complete the relevant section , giving the name of the local authority that the child is in the care of . You will need to attach to your application a letter from the child ’ s social worker .
If your child was in the care of a local authority immediately prior to adoption or becoming subject to a residence , special guardianship , special educational or child arrangements order you will need to provide a copy of the order or proof of adoption and proof of your child ’ s previous looked after status .
If your child was in state care outside of England and ceased to be as a result of being adopted you will need to provide evidence with the application for priority to be considered .
Child of UK service personnel ( UK Armed Forces ) and Crown Servants claim : If you are not living in Ealing but have a confirmed posting to the area , or if you are a crown servant returning from overseas you will be allocated a place in advance of arriving into the borough . Your application must be accompanied by an official letter that confirms a relocation date and a Unit postal address or quartering area address .
Supplementary Information Forms ( SIF ): If you are applying to faith schools , you will be required to complete an additional Supplementary Information Form ( SIF ). These can be obtained directly from the school and , for Ealing schools , are available on the Ealing Council website . The SIF must be completed in addition to your online or paper application and must be returned directly to the school before the closing date . Please do not send these to Schools Admissions as we will not take responsibility for the school receiving them before the closing date .
Important : If you think your application form has been lost , you must be able to produce proof of receipt . Please do not post your application to the LA or school , hand deliver it to your preferred school or Perceval House .
What to expect after you have completed your application
Online applications will receive an automatic acknowledgement once the form is submitted , you will receive an email confirming your application details with your unique 16 digit application reference number .
There is no acknowledgement for paper applications . It is very important that you ask for a receipt if you are handing your form in or keep proof of postage .
Documentary Evidence Required
Please provide copies only , do not send original documents as they may not be returned .
Proof of date of birth Proof of your child ’ s date of birth needs to be provided with the application e . g . medical card , passport or short birth certificate .
Proof of address We do not require proof of address with your application form . Ealing Council will check internal council databases in order to verify your address . Where it is not possible to verify your address or if you have recently moved we will advise you that proof is required . Please see page 57 for details .
Important : Please note that provision of an incorrect home address or other false information is likely to lead to the withdrawal of an application or offer of a school place based on that information . If there is any doubt as to the validity of the address given the matter will be put in the hands of an investigator .
1 September : Eadmissions website opens for online applications , paper applications available .
15 January : Final closing date for both paper and online applications .
17 April : National offer day .
1 May : Deadline for parents to respond to offers made on national offer day .
The closing date for receipt of all applications either paper or online is 15 January .
If you are applying on paper please submit your completed application form to your preferred Ealing primary school or hand it in directly to Perceval House .
6 Starting Primary School 2023